“He told me he was going to testify”

“He told me he was going to testify”
“He told me he was going to testify”

Published article May 10, 2024

Angelina Jolie has been accused of trying to prevent Brad Pitt from interacting with their six children during custody visits. According to documents filed in Los Angeles Superior Court and cited by the Daily Mail, the couple’s former bodyguard, Tony Webb, claims Jolie pressured the children to avoid Pitt during custody visits.

Webb, who worked for the couple for 20 years, claimed that Ross Foster, his colleague, overheard Jolie encouraging her children to avoid their father. Foster allegedly told Webb as much as he prepared to testify in the trial that followed the two actors’ split in 2016, despite having signed a non-disclosure agreement when he was hired.

Read also: The scandal between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, far from over. The actress claims her ex-husband “abused” her long before the alleged incident in 2016

“He told me he would testify about the statements he heard alleging that Ms. Jolie told the children to avoid Brad Pitt during custody visits.”said Tony Webb.

Webb was fired by Jolie after she learned that Ross Foster and another employee were going to testify against her. The bodyguard claims that before the contract was terminated, Angelina begged him to stop the two men from testifying and even threatened to sue him.

“When I first started working for Ms. Jolie, I was usually on set. In 2012, however, I began accompanying her and her family when they left the United States. When I found out that Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt were going to divorce around 2016, I continued to provide security for them and their children.”Webb said.

Read also: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, at war for the custody of the children. The actor, accused again of domestic violence: “She is willing to bring evidence in court!”

“Shortly before two SRS global contractors were to testify in a lawsuit, which I understand was related to Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt’s divorce and custody of their children, Mr. Vieira called me on my cell phone. He told me that he had heard that two contractors who provided Ms. Jolie’s personal security through SRS Global might testify in the family court case. Mr. Vieira then asked me to stop the two individuals from testifying. I understand that Mr. Vieira was making this request on behalf of Ms. Jolie.”Webb claims in his statement.

Webb went on to say in the document that he had “no power” to stop the two individuals from testifying because they were “independent contractors” rather than his direct employees.

The allegations brought by the former bodyguard are a new chapter in the battle that has engulfed Hollywood, dubbed the “War of the Roses”, referring to Jolie’s 2021 sale of her stake in the Chateau Miraval winery to Russian billionaire Yuri Shefler. Pitt is seeking to rescind the sale, claiming it violates a pre-existing agreement regarding the right of first refusal. Jolie claims she backed out of the sale because Pitt asked her to sign a non-disclosure agreement that she found unacceptable.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: told testify
