If elected, Trump plans to send special forces to Mexico to kill drug traffickers

If elected, Trump plans to send special forces to Mexico to kill drug traffickers
If elected, Trump plans to send special forces to Mexico to kill drug traffickers

The Republican candidate for the US presidency, ex-president Donald Trump, intends to send US special forces to Mexico to assassinate drug traffickers, if he is elected to lead the country again in November of this year, informs EFE, citing the American press , reports Agerpres.

According to the American magazine Rolling Stone, Trump told his campaign advisers that he intends to send these forces “with or without the support of the Mexican government.”

These “special forces” would aim to kill the leaders of the main drug cartels in the neighboring country, the American media indicated.

One of Trump’s campaign promises is to “declare war” on Mexican cartels.

On his campaign website, the former president details the steps he will take to achieve that goal, including ordering the Pentagon to “appropriately use special forces and other overt and covert actions to inflict maximum damage on leadership, infrastructure and cartels’ operations”.

Trump proposes to designate groups of drug traffickers as terrorists, an idea that was also proposed by the legislators of his party in Congress.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador rejected this latest proposal, which he considered to be a propaganda strategy of conservative politicians.

Trump’s campaign, which has a strong anti-immigration component, has also blamed incumbent President Joe Biden’s handling of the southern border for the rise in deaths caused by opioids, particularly fentanyl, in the United States.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: elected Trump plans send special forces Mexico kill drug traffickers
