Vladimir Putin has proposed that Mikhail Mishustin continue to preside over the Russian government as prime minister

Vladimir Putin has proposed that Mikhail Mishustin continue to preside over the Russian government as prime minister
Vladimir Putin has proposed that Mikhail Mishustin continue to preside over the Russian government as prime minister

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has proposed that Mikhail Mishustin, the former Prime Minister, continue to preside over the Russian government in the new presidential term, the President of the State Duma announced today.

A career bureaucrat until becoming prime minister for the first time in 2020, Mișutin had been in charge of the tax system in the Russian Federation for more than 10 years. He was an economist who had not appeared on the political radar. He belonged to no party, and in his rare appearances the favorite subject was related to fiscal innovations.

Praised for modernizing Russia’s rigid tax administration system and increasing tax collection rates, he was also described by businessmen as a professional and efficient manager with a good understanding of the economy. Skills that will serve him well again in Putin’s new term, given the unprecedented Western sanctions.

The Russian people were the target, we survived, and Russia will embark on the path of long-term progressive development from the end of this year, he predicted in front of the State Duma in 2023.

The new “time of heroes”. Or how Russia fell into the abyss of scientific Putinism

As Vladimir Putin persists in his bloody campaign to conquer Ukraine, the Russian leader is leading an equally important transformation at home – turning his country into a regressive, militarized society.

10 May 2024, 08:20 (updated 10 May 2024, 08:59)

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Vladimir Putin proposed Mikhail Mishustin continue preside Russian government prime minister
