16 FOR BAIA MARE – 2mnews presents all 16 candidates for the position of mayor of Baia Mari: today, Cristian Anghel (FD)

Christian Angel

ELECTORAL. Starting from May 7, 2024 until May 22, 2024, for 16 days, every day, 2mnews in a cycle of articles that we have named “16 for Baia Mare”, we present to you one candidate registered in the electoral race to win the position of mayor of the municipality of Baia Mare in the elections of June 9, 2024.

These articles are exclusively for the presentation of the candidates (they are not election-type advertorials), being published free of charge and at the exclusive initiative of 2mnewsthe only reason that was the basis of the decision being that, in the absence of clear, well-defined presentations, as well as significant differences between the candidates regarding the amounts allocated to the promotion, the voters should be informed about those who will run unanimously for the highest position in the administration of the county seat municipality.

2mnews addressed a set of 11 questions to the 16 candidates that you will find on the ballots on June 9 (the reason for the number of questions: at the time of designing the candidate presentation cycle, 11 candidates were registered, later their number increased to 16 , new subscribers being sent the same set of questions). Only two candidates did not answer the questions, but you will also find them in the presentation cycle (we redid secret financial operations, so we have the ability to reveal the path of a citizen, even if he has reasons to hide it).

In addition to the candidates’ answers to the questions 2mnewswhich are the introductory basis of the presentations, in articles that are part of the cycle “16 for Baia Mare” you will also find a brief analysis according to the SWOT method (abbreviation from Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats , Opportunities, Threats), as a journalistic projection of an overview of the respective candidate.

Articles are published in the order in which candidates submitted their responses and are illustrated, in most cases, by the photos considered by candidates to be most appropriate (where candidates have not nominated a photo, the choice is ours). Respecting the principle of equidistance/impartiality, all 16 articles will be written/published following the same (unique) pattern.

Today: Cristian Anghel (FD – Forța Dreptei).

Cristian Angel (FD)

Cristian Anghel (73 years old). He was born on August 24, 1950, in Pitesti (Argeș county). He graduated from the Nicolae Bălcescu High School in Pitesti in 1969 (with a general average of 9.80), the year in which he also obtained his Baccalaureate diploma (with an average of 10). He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics of the Bucharest Polytechnic Institute (1974 – when university studies were 5 years long) and the Faculty of Law of the “Bogdan Vodă” University Baia Mare (2000) – both completed with 10 -, as well as the master’s program in Administration published at SNSPA Bucharest (2004). He obtained two doctorates: in Technical Mechanics at Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (1990) and in Administrative Sciences at SNSPA Bucharest (2012).

After completing his first degree, he worked in the period 1974-1976 as an engineer at Bucharest Bus. In 1976 he moved to Baia Mare, as a design engineer at CEPROM. In the period 1978-1993 he was an assistant, head of works and lecturer at the University of Nord Baia Mare. In 1993, he was elected mayor of Baia Mare, a position he would hold for 18 years, until 2010.

Current occupation: mechanical engineer, academic, retired.

Over time he was also active in the political parties PNL-AT (1993), PL 93 (1993, he was county president), PNL (since 1995, he was the county president in the period 2001-2010 – the longest serving president of the liberals Maramuresi), PER (2016-2019), ALDE (2019-2020), Forța Dreptei (from 2024).

The 3 most important projects

He was asked to list the 3 most important projects that he wants to implement in Baia Mare and to complete in the first mandate (2024-2028), if he is elected mayor of the county seat municipality. Here they are:

  1. Energy independence of public consumption by creating a photovoltaic park and installing heat pumps in public buildings;
  1. The creation of public-private and institutional partnerships: with the owners of land free from encumbrances for the promotion and attraction of investors in fields with high added value (see the Metropolitan Area) and with the Technical University – North University Center, for the creation of a scientific and technological park in Cuprom area;
  1. The rehabilitation of relevant public spaces to increase the quality of life (Revolution, University, Station, Liberty squares) and the reform and digitization of local public administration to increase the quality of public services.

How he sees himself: the highest quality vs. the biggest flaw

Highest quality: “Integrity”.

Biggest flaw: “Sometimes I trust people too much.”

SWOT 2mnews

Strong points: Maximum notoriety (can’t be more, known by everyone because he was the mayor of Baia Mare for 18 years); Promoter of some extremely important projects in the municipality: the decentralization of the heating system (Baia Mare was the first city in Romania to implement this measure), the (even partial) rehabilitation of the Old Center, the initiator of the Chestnut Festival, the transfer of the management of some public services essential (water-sewer, transport, sanitation) from the public administration institution (Town Hall) to specialized companies (some owned by the Town Hall); He has the most administrative experience of all the candidates (both because he is the veteran of the competition – 73 years – and because he was the head of the administration for 18 years).

Weaknesses: The blemish on his CV (although he served his sentence, is rehabilitated and has a white record): sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison with execution, in 2010, for aggravated abuse of office; Despite the vivacity shown by Anghel: his age (at the time of assuming his mandate he would be 74 years old and would finish it at 78 years old – although the discussion on this topic seems unfair, the problem is a real one, being debated and analyzed at many levels older, see the case of US President Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden Jr.); He never took any critical public position against the way in which the city was plundered during the mandates of the former corrupt mayor Cherecheș, on the contrary.

Opportunities: Driven by the psychological goal of rehabilitation and in front of the people of Baim, Anghel can coalesce in this comeback attempt a significant part of the electorate, both the volatile one, with whom he always had a good relationship (he is one of the most attentive and meticulous politicians I -I noticed in the last 30 years, even in details ignored by most others), as well as partly from the business environment he supported during his terms as mayor, but elitist or nostalgic. He is the only candidate who has a mosaic electoral beach, with the potential to get votes from the electorate from all social strata and all political orientations. It runs on a nostalgic campaign slogan, updated from an older one of his that worked (but then): “This is the way! Move on”. And he still has a slight electoral growth potential during the campaign.

Threats/Risk: The damage caused to the city, according to the final decision of the court, and unpaid only in a small percentage. Anghel was obliged to pay the sum of 394,500 euros to Baia Mare City Hall, as damage caused by the criminal activity, an amount of which he has so far paid less than 10% (a third of the income is withheld). If he would presumably become mayor again, it would create a kind of conflict of morality, because the same person would also have the capacity of appropriator (main credit orderer of the local public administration) and impounded (person from whom the main credit orderer must recover a financial loss for the municipal institution).

Prediction: Due to the notoriety, the knowledge, the beach of voters who appreciate him, he will most likely meet a percentage of votes in the vicinity of 15%, ranking on the podium or in close proximity to it. In 2016, although with a small party, PER, at the CJ Maramureș he obtained 11,282 votes, from Baia Mare collecting 3,782 votes (that’s right, he did not run unanimously – 2016 was the last year when the president of the CJ was elected by the plenary the deliberative forum of the county – but he made the electoral threshold, even surpassing the UDMR, and entered the deliberative forum with 2 county councilors).

… tomorrow, Saturday, May 11, 2024, another candidate for mayor of Baia Mare.

Cătălin VISCHI

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: BAIA MARE #2mnews presents candidates position mayor Baia Mari today Cristian Anghel
