Ludovic Orban: Unfortunately, today in Romania there is no authentic democracy/ The United Right is only the nucleus around which all the people who want to live freely in Romania will coagulate, who will no longer want peasants to step on their necks

Ludovic Orban: Unfortunately, today in Romania there is no authentic democracy/ The United Right is only the nucleus around which all the people who want to live freely in Romania will coagulate, who will no longer want peasants to step on their necks
Ludovic Orban: Unfortunately, today in Romania there is no authentic democracy/ The United Right is only the nucleus around which all the people who want to live freely in Romania will coagulate, who will no longer want peasants to step on their necks

The President of Forza Dreptei, Ludovic Orban, spoke about freedom, but also about an authentic democracy, in the speech given at the Timişoara rally of the United Right Alliance. He stated that the Timişoara Revolution did not fully win. “The United Right is just the nucleus around which all the people who want to live freely in Romania, who want an authentic democracy, who will no longer want peasants to step on their necks, will coagulate”, he claimed.

“Timişoara is the first city that became free. Timişoara and Timişul county must remain guaranteed free of PSD-ism and free of everything that means the control mechanisms that are anti-democratic, that are used by the two formations that today imagine that the whole country is theirs. We are starting a campaign that should have been a campaign to elect our representatives in the European Parliament. For a month and a half, even two, nothing has been said about the elections for the European Parliament, about what Romania’s representatives must do in the European Parliament. Absolutely nothing is said about the challenges we have, as a country, within the European Union, nothing about how we can make better use of the opportunities we have as an EU member state. There is talk of local, who is still running, who is no longer running, all kinds of administrative problems, and the debate on the big European issues and especially the debate regarding Romania and the evolution of Romania as a member state of the EU no longer exists. Of course, there are some panels that I hope will disappear where Ciucă tells us that he brings European money, as if he brings European money. European money comes to Romania because Romania is a member state of the EU. Neither Ciucă nor Ciolacu brings any European money. They prevent a lot of European money from reaching Romania,” Orban declared, Thursday evening.

Ludovic Orban emphasized that he got involved in politics without making a deal with the devil and stated that there is no genuine democracy in Romania.

“I am a free man and I have remained a free man for 34 years. I got involved in politics and I did politics as it is normal to do politics. Without making a pact with the devil, without building skeletons in my closet that would later make me vulnerable to the pressures of the system, without threatening, without despising people, regardless of their condition, because that is democracy. Unfortunately, there is no genuine democracy in Romania today. Even if the Timişoara Revolution won, it did not win completely because the Timişoara Proclamation was not put into practice. Because, unfortunately, those who in the Timişoara Proclamation should have completely disappeared from Romania’s command buttons still remained at the command buttons and we were led by the new nomenclature and the new security that practiced exactly the same means, sure, he no longer used the iron fist, he used the glove, let’s not call it velvet, but much more refined instruments to suffocate any free man, to prevent any kind of opposition, to try to keep under control society and to try to continue to take the lion’s share of everything produced by the people who create, who work, who have companies, who have liberal professions in Romania. This is the reality”, said Orban.

Also, the president of Forța Dreptei emphasized that the United Right is the nucleus around which all those who want to live freely in Romania will coagulate.

“Because of this we must clearly say that the United Right is not USR, the United Right is not PMP, the United Right is not the Right Force. The United Right is just the nucleus around which all the people who want to live freely in Romania, who want an authentic democracy, who will no longer have bosses stepping on their necks, who want to be valued, appreciated, to be able to succeed, will coagulate in life by their own strength, by their own effort and their own talents. The United Right is on the battlefield. But we cannot win the fight without the support of all those who want democracy, freedom, all those who really want a Romania led by wise people, with vision, fair people, who really care for the good of the community. To the battle, my dears! Let’s raise the whole area of ​​society that can no longer bear the heel on the neck. Let’s shout freedom! Victory!” Orban said.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Ludovic Orban today Romania authentic democracy United nucleus people live freely Romania coagulate longer peasants step necks
