Sorin Iliesiu explains why he decided to resign from AUR


Univ. Prof. Dr. Sorin Ilieșiu decided to resign from AUR and sent, to the editorial office, a statement explaining the reasons that led him to take this decision. We reproduce the press release in full:

“Today I resigned from the position of first vice-president of the Senate of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), a position held since November 2023. The resignation was registered by the general secretariat of the AUR party with no. 433 of 09.05.2024.

Here is the reason for my resignation:

For 34 years that have passed since the fall of communism, we have been waiting for a party like AUR to appear, which would put at the forefront, in its own statute, the sacred values ​​for which it militates: Christian faith, family, freedom, enlightened patriotism, as well as the country project of the reunification of Romanians and the reunification of Romania. These sacred values ​​must be promoted and supported with utmost credibility, responsibility and competence.

In the six months that have passed since I have held the position of First Vice President of the AUR Senate, I have never been asked to attend any meeting of the AUR leadership, nor have I been asked for my opinion on any issue. I expected, for example, that the opinion of the members of the AUR Senate would be requested in relation to the persons on the list of the European Parliament elections, it would have been natural and mandatory to read their CVs, their written projects for the European Parliament, especially of the candidates located in eligible seats .

At the same time, I expected the opinion of the members of the AUR Senate to be asked for the strategy for the local elections, especially in the case of the capital and big cities.

Since I was not involved in any decision of the AUR party, I found myself in the position of “legitimizing” all its decisions and actions, all forms of manifestation of the AUR party, even those with which I did not agree.

But I hope AUR manages to be what I hoped it would be. Also, I hope that at least this year both PSD and PNL will firmly and clearly assume the sacred values ​​represented by the Christian faith, family, freedom, enlightened patriotism, as well as the country project of reuniting Romanians and reuniting Romania, an ignored project by PSD and PNL for 34 years in an outrageous and reprehensible manner, although this project is the most important project of the country. I believe that such values ​​and country projects should be assumed by all parties in Romania.

Bucharest, May 9, 2024″

Univ. Prof. Dr. Sorin Iliesiu,

Author of the “Proclamation for Romania” (2005), the “Report for the condemnation of the communist regime in Romania as illegitimate and criminal” (2005), the “Call for the condemnation of communism in the European Parliament and for the condemnation of the Hitler-Stalin Pact” (2009), of the “Proclamation for the reunion of the Rep. Moldova with Motherland Romania” (2023).

Member of the Group for Social Dialogue (1990-2012). Member of the Romanian Senate (2012-2016). Author of the documentary films “Universitài Square – Romania” (1991, in collaboration with Stere Gulea and V. Drăgan), “Apocalypse after Cioran” (1995, in collaboration with Gabriel Liiceanu), “Genocide of souls. The Pitesti experiment – re-education through torture” (2012). Author of the book “Hell sold as paradise” (Ed. Junimea, 2012). Awarded in 2010 with the “Medal of the Revolution” (accompanied by patent no. 77), awarded by the “National Foundation of the Revolution of December 1989 – Timisoara”, a medal awarded since 1990 to personalities such as Pope John Paul II, King Mihai I, George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev, Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel, Bernard Kouchner, Doina Cornea, Dennis Deletant; awarded in 2011 with the Diploma of Excellence and the plaque “Personality of the year 2011 for a European Romania” conferred by the “Eurolink Foundation – Casa Europei”, a distinction awarded since 2001 to personalities such as Mario Monti, Neelie Kroes, Mugur Isărescu, Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, Dan Puric, Daniel Daianu, Mihai Tănăsescu, Mircea Coșea, Sorin Cîmpeanu.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Sorin Iliesiu explains decided resign AUR
