Serious accident, with three cars involved, in the radius of Perieni commune


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The Bârlad fire department intervened today with a light extrication vehicle, a water and foam extinguishing vehicle, a SMURD type B2 ambulance (first aid crew) and specialized crews, to ensure PSI measures, evaluate and provide qualified first aid to victims of a road accident on DJ 243, at the exit from the municipality of Bârlad, within the radius of the Perieni commune. Three cars with four people were involved in the accident.

Upon the arrival of the intervention crews, three damaged cars were found outside the roadway. Until the firemen arrived, the people inside the cars were evacuated by the other traffic participants.

The rescuers ensured the PSI measures, evaluated the people involved in the accident and provided qualified first aid to two of the victims. A 62-year-old man suffered several traumas, so it was necessary to transport him to the Emergency Department of the “Elena Beldiman” Bârlad Municipal Hospital, informs Marius Stanciu, spokesperson of ISU Vaslui.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: accident cars involved radius Perieni commune
