Road accident in Huedin, following an irregular overtaking. A man arrived at the hospital.


A 36-year-old man arrived at the hospital, following a road accident on the DN1E60, in Huedin, caused by a dangerous overtaking.

Road accident in Huedin. Injured man, transported to hospital/Photo: ISU Cluj

Firefighters intervened to extricate a man stuck in a car following a road accident in the town of Huedin.

“He was safely extracted by firefighters, conscious and co-operative. A special vehicle with extrication mode and a SMURD ambulance took part in the mission”, according to ISU Cluj.

Firefighters intervention in the case of the road accident on the DN1E60/Photo: ISU Cluj

The first investigations carried out showed that a 53-year-old man from the commune of Săcuieu, who was driving a van from the city of Oradea, allegedly made a left turn, colliding with a car that was illegally overtaking, driven in the same direction by a 36-year-old man from Harghita county.

“The 36-year-old man was transported by SMURD ambulance to a medical facility for further investigation.

The drivers were tested with the breathalyzer device, the results being negative”, informs IPJ Cluj.

Road traffic in the area is difficult.

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Tags: Road accident Huedin irregular overtaking man arrived hospital
