Overturned trailer over crowd. Terrible scenes in Freiburg


Shocking scenes in the center of the German city of Freiburg. About 30 people were injured after a trailer overturned on them. The incident took place during a parade organized on the occasion of May 1st.

A trailer overturned on top of people. Dozens injured

The participants in the May 1 parade, organized in the German city of Freiburg im Breisgau, went through terrible moments. A trailer overturned into the crowd, who were attending Labor Day events.

According to German authorities, the trailer was being pulled by a tractor and overturned on its side. It seems that the tractor driver tried to make a turn, but was unable to.

“Approximately 30 people were injured in this accident, ten in serious condition,” German authorities announced.

The victims, picked up by helicopters from Switzerland

The intervention teams in Germany were assisted by those in Switzerland. The 30 people injured in the incident were transported to the hospital by helicopters.

“The victims were picked up by numerous rescue forces, including several rescue helicopters from Switzerland,” the police announced.

Germany. Photo source: Sjankauskas | Dreamstime.com

Overturned trailer over crowd

Wednesday’s incident took place on a road near the city of Kandern (west). It is located a few tens of kilometers away from Freiburg im Breisgau and the border with France.

May 1st was marked by more incidents in Germany. As in Spain, Turkey or Greece, tens of thousands of people took part in street protests. People voiced their displeasure with the problems in the labor sector, as well as those related to the presence of large numbers of immigrants.

In some European cities, protesters destroyed shop windows and street signs, chanting against the police.

At the same time, demonstrators with Palestinian flags were seen on the streets of France. The protesters confronted the police, and the latter retaliated with batons and tear gas grenades.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Overturned trailer crowd Terrible scenes Freiburg
