Apple is the brand that appears most often in series and movies

Apple is the brand that appears most often in series and movies
Apple is the brand that appears most often in series and movies

ADVERTISING. The Cupertino company is number 1 in terms of product placement in cinema productions, but also for streaming services.

Apple is the brand that appears most often in series and movies. The Tim Cook-led company has great prestige that makes manufacturers choose the iPhone maker over other technology companies and other fields, according to data from the Product Placement Blog.

The most frequently featured Apple product in series and movies is often the MacBook laptop, with 867 reported appearances in the Product Placement database.

Apple is the most watched brand in streaming and television

In the film industry, Apple is the most frequently seen brand in movie scenes, appearing 1,884 times with all its devices: iPhones, Apple laptops, etc. In second place is Coca-Cola, accounting for up to 1,026 activations. In third place is Nike, with 912 appearances.

“Apple is by far the biggest player in terms of product placement in movies and series. It’s a trend that seems to be taking hold now that the brand’s streaming service allows it to put its products directly into the hands of viewers on favorite shows like Ted Lasso.”

Ted Lasso is one of the most popular series in the industry and also one of the most frequently featured on Apple devices. In the 74 episodes of the series on Apple TV+, the characters use up to 300 iPhones, 120 Apple MacBook laptops and 40 AirPods.

Among the products most present in series and movies in the cinema industry are, among others, Adidas hoodies (137), Nike shoes (507), Ray-Ben sunglasses (241), iPad (156), Doritos (112) or Google searches (111).

Finally, the most viewed brands in series and movies are Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola, Sony, HP, Adidas, Samsung, Dell, Microsoft, Vans, Miller, Budweiser and Converse. Very interesting data that reflects the popularity of products and services in society.

Knowing all this, from the Product Placement database, it remains to reveal a secret of the Apple company. A secret that “leaked” in the press a few years ago and was reconfirmed last year in an interview in Vanity Fair, given by the American producer and director Rian Johnson (Knives Out).

Ever wonder why the “bad guys” in movies never use Apple iPhones or laptops? A fact that could be a coincidence, but which is far from such a thing, as revealed by Rian Johnson in the aforementioned interview. It’s actually an Apple-imposed rule.

“I don’t even know if I should say this, but the reality is that Apple allows its products to be used in movies, with the stipulation that negative characters can’t use them, which is one of the reasons why in many productions it’s not used never an iPhone or at least the logo of the American company appears”.

Johnson also stated that “all the directors who want to keep the identity of the villain in the film a secret are probably going to hate me at this point”, but the reality is that in thriller films there is the possibility of being able to discover the film’s villain simply by observing what kind of devices he uses this. A surprising rule that will make us pay more attention to the phones and laptops used by each character in a movie.

Behind this connection between Hollywood and Apple is not the exorbitant payment of advertising fees by the American giant, but an efficient distribution system to provide Apple laptops and iPhones on set, as well as the fact that “many directors are fans and users” of these products. Thus, MacBooks have become the standard computers in movies, even though in real life Apple’s laptop market share is by no means the majority. Apple has managed to make its devices a “lifestyle”, fueled by the excitement it generates with each new release, turning them into a compelling cinematic object.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Apple brand appears series movies
