“I was responsible, you don’t go to events with flowers and invite them to tea”


Article by Sebastian Culea – Published on Thursday, 09 May 2024, 14:53 / Updated on Thursday, 09 May 2024 16:40

Dan Savenco, 38 years old, the former handball player from Dinamo, was assigned to the Police, to the special forces, after retiring from handball, and was involved in the capture of a criminal from Ciorogârla, last spring. The athlete spoke for the first time about the event, after the rumor circulated that he would have been prosecuted.

A man attacked his ex-girlfriend’s parents after he was dumped by her. The woman died and the man survived and was taken to hospital. The criminal was found with the help of the rapid intervention teams, and Dan Savenco, the former captain from Dinamo, was part of the intervention team.


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The press wrote at the time that, as a result of the blows applied by the former handball player, the man suffered a double fracture of the jaw and filed a complaint against him, plus that Dan Savenco would have decided to quit his job because of this investigation:

Dan Savenco, former CS Dinamo pivot

I didn’t quit my job, my contract had simply expired. On January 22, my power of attorney from the IPJ expired, and on the 23rd, that information appeared in the press, which I didn’t want to comment on at the time so as not to amplify the whole story. My name was published in a context where it was not the case. And this is not normal for me and for the safety of my family”, said Dan Savenco for GSP.ro.

Meanwhile, the former athlete made several requests to the court, the ministry and the prosecutor’s office to prove that it was not an internal investigation or prosecution.

The former Dinamo handball player comments for the first time on the case where he was accused of mutilating a criminal:

MAI’s response to Dan Savenco’s request

The handball player comments for the first time on the events that took place: “I was responsible for the action because I had a leadership position, I was equally responsible for my actions or those of my colleagues. When someone resists restraint and becomes violent, you cannot intervene with flowers and invite them to tea. In the situation presented in the press, at the time, it seemed abnormal to me that my name appeared in the public space, although our identity had to be protected, and that the activity of a sportsman was confused with the job of a policeman.”

Savenco was one of Dinamo’s most important players in the last decade, contributing decisively to the last 5 titles before retiring.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: #responsible dont events #flowers invite tea
