Laurentiu Reghecampf, ultimatum for Asiana Peng’s mother. The messages sent by the coach appeared on the Internet: “It’s harassment”

Laurentiu Reghecampf, ultimatum for Asiana Peng’s mother. The messages sent by the coach appeared on the Internet: “It’s harassment”
Laurentiu Reghecampf, ultimatum for Asiana Peng’s mother. The messages sent by the coach appeared on the Internet: “It’s harassment”

Laurentiu Reghecampf has a lot on his mind. From the divorce, to the speech problems, but with all that, he tries to solve another situation. We recently learned that his eldest son, Luca, is in a relationship with Asiana Peng. But the relationship between the two is overshadowed by the scandal between Asiana and her mother, and her boyfriend’s father got a little fed up with the messages Asiana received. According to, Laurentiu Reghecampf would have intervened harshly, sending some messages to Silviana Peng, Asiana Peng’s mother.

The fight between Asiana Peng and Silviana Peng, to a new level

The scandal between daughter and mother would have started from the statements made by Silviana Peng in the press, about a possible marriage of the two, Luca and Asiana. However, these kinds of statements, plus others besides, led Asiana to react to her mother:

“God gave me such a mother! It doesn’t describe me! We are 20 years old, this is not any kind of wedding! I don’t talk to her. She says she didn’t receive any invitation, I don’t know what invitation it is! I know what kind of dough she is, she’s taken to extremes. He says it’s an obligation. She’s harsh, we don’t resonate, she’s our total opposite. (…)

Mom is crazy about these. (…) It seems natural to her, everyone is crooked and she is the best. She wants me to get married, we are like in the stories of 1900! She always liked Luca. I haven’t spoken to her since July, she and Luca resonate with me and my brother is not ok, unless he needs us. It’s a big circus with her,” recently declared Asiana Peng.

Things got complicated. Laurentiu Reghecampf, ultimatum for Asiana Peng’s mother

When everyone thought that things had calmed down, here comes other information in the public space. According to those from, it seems that Silviana Peng did not stop making statements, in fact she also sent messages to her daughter and Luca Reghecampf:

“The scandal between the Reghecampf family and Asiana Peng’s mother has been going on for almost a year, if we were to go by the exchange of messages between the two parties involved. Asiana wants to sit down at her house, but her mother disturbs her with her gestures.

Luca Reghecampf’s fiancee said in an interview that her mother is bipolar. The woman even sent a few messages to Reghecampf to ask him for an explanation about what happened,” say those from

This is how it is done, the Playport journalists also say, Laurentiu Reghecampf would also have intervened in the scandal, sending Silviana Peng an ultimatum. It is not yet known whether or not Asiana’s mother stopped the accusations and messages, but a conclusion stated by Laurenti Reghecampf would be that Silviana Peng was told by Anamaria Prodan to do all these things. But, until the contrary proof, a proof of these claims, still remains the hope of a resolution of this situation that has been going on for more than a year.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Laurentiu Reghecampf ultimatum Asiana Pengs mother messages coach appeared Internet harassment
