FALSE | The anti-Covid 19 vaccine does not cause forms of cancer

FALSE | The anti-Covid 19 vaccine does not cause forms of cancer
FALSE | The anti-Covid 19 vaccine does not cause forms of cancer

A user of the Facebook platform used the title of a news item to convey through a post that the anti-Covid 19 vaccine would trigger types of cancer among young people.

The news should sound like this! More and more young people vaccinated against covid are diagnosed with cancer. All the enslaved press hides the genocide to which humanity has been subjected by the globalist occult. People are dying and getting seriously ill by the millions. How long do these golans think they can cover up this GENOCIDE?

Post context

The relatively short process of developing anti-Covid 19 vaccines has led to increased mistrust among the population regarding adverse effects, short or long term. However, the news that the user used as an example to promote his theory does not discuss the link between the Covid 19 vaccine and the early onset of cancer. The purpose of the post is to discredit medical research by associating a vaccine with an act of systemic destruction against groups of people.

The original news appeared on the CNN website, and was then picked up by a Romanian news site.

The material refers to a study published on the medical journal website BMJ Oncology. According to the study, in the last 30 years the percentage of young people diagnosed with various types of early-stage cancer has increased by 79.1%. Regarding the percentage of deaths in these age categories, it increased by 27.7% between 1990 and 2019.

Research carried out

Vaccination is an effective method to control the transmission of infectious diseases on a large scale. To create a vaccine useful in preventing the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, the specialists used the data extracted from the previous researches of the other two types of coronaviruses, Sars-CoV and Mers-CoV. In Europe, according to the European Medicine Agency, 6 vaccines have been authorized.

Two types of vaccines are used in Romania, according to the technology used. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines use messenger RNA technology, and the AstraZeneca/Oxford (name changed to Vaxzevria) and Johnson&Johnson vaccines use non-replicating viral vector technology. None of these vaccines affect human DNA, and no serious changes in the health of patients were detected before or after the clinical trial period, according to experts.

From medical research carried out in recent years, no cases of cancer have been discovered that were triggered by anti-Covid 19 vaccination. This argument has also been verified and invalidated by other publications (here) and (here). And according to the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, no links between the administration of the vaccine and the occurrence or recurrence of cancerous tumors have been discovered.

Official side effects

Following clinical trials and data collected following vaccination campaigns, the most common adverse effects encountered were headache, fatigue, nausea, cold symptoms. At the opposite pole, the rarest adverse reaction was anaphylactic shock, occurring in 5 cases per 1 million people, facial paralysis or Guillain-Barré syndrome. However, these cases were isolated, and the people prone to these reactions are those who are immunocompromised (as in the case of people suffering from cancer or autoimmune diseases).

Detection of new cases

From the specialized literature, we can understand that the pandemic has delayed the detection of many early-stage cancer cases. In the first two quarters of 2020, doctors prioritized infected patients to limit interactions.

In the UK, the prioritization of coronavirus patients had a negative effect on the diagnosis of colorectal cancer, as the disease could progress without being properly detected and treated. In the first part of 2020, in the United States of America, the rate of cancer diagnosis dropped considerably, as a result of the lockdown. In Europe, the diagnosis rate increased by 2.3% in 2022 compared to 2020. The multitude of diets, pollution, accelerated pace of life, smoking or alcohol are the most frequently mentioned causes of the early onset of cancer in young people.

So, there is no evidence that anti-Covid 19 vaccines can lead to the development of cancer.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: FALSE antiCovid vaccine forms cancer
