Why monotony occurs in couples. The mistake life partners make. Radu Leca: There are changes

Why monotony occurs in couples. The mistake life partners make. Radu Leca: There are changes
Why monotony occurs in couples. The mistake life partners make. Radu Leca: There are changes

Monotony in a couple can occur for various reasons. Hormonal changes can influence not only the emotional state of partners, but also the pheromonal structure, having a significant impact on the dynamics of their relationship.

Why monotony occurs in couples

Psychologist Radu Leca explained, exclusively for DC MEDICAL, why monotony actually occurs in couples. With the increase in time spent together in the bedroom, they end up smelling the same pheromically, which can lead to a lack of sexual desire and monotony in the relationship.

“With the hormonal changes of the members of the couple, the pheromonal structure also changes. Monotony occurs when the subject changes their smell, respectively the quality of the pheromones. The longer the subjects sleep together, the more they end up smelling the same from a pheromonal point of view, and then monotony occurs and lack of sex drive.

One of the solutions to prevent monotony is represented by separate bedrooms and only, at most twice a week, as long as the two meet to make love, they can sleep together.

Otherwise, sleep is an individual act”, explained psychologist Radu Leca, exclusively for DC MEDICAL.

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Monotony as a couple – PHOTO: Freepik@tsyhun

Other reasons that can lead to “numbness” in the couple

daily life can become predictable and repetitive activities can diminish the novelty and excitement in the relationship. When partners don’t communicate openly about their needs, wants, and expectations, the relationship can fall into a dull routine. The pressures of everyday life, such as professional or personal responsibilities, can sap the energy and passion in the relationship.

When one or both partners are no longer actively involved in the relationship or show interest in each other, monotony can set in. After a relationship becomes stable, some partners may fall into a comfortable routine without investing effort in maintaining the initial passion and excitement.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: monotony occurs couples mistake life partners Radu Leca
