Romania supplies electricity to Ukraine, following the breakdowns in the national energy system caused by the Russian bombings

Romania supplies electricity to Ukraine, following the breakdowns in the national energy system caused by the Russian bombings
Romania supplies electricity to Ukraine, following the breakdowns in the national energy system caused by the Russian bombings

At Ukraine’s request, Romania, together with Poland and Slovakia, provided emergency electricity on Sunday, and this also happened on Saturday, reports the Ukrainian press.

On Saturday, the needs of Ukrainian consumers were covered by their own production, commercial imports and emergency assistance from the power grids in Poland, Romania and Slovakia, the Ministry of Energy from Kyiv reported, writes Ukrainskaia Pravda. The total volume of emergency deliveries was less than 3% of the daily electricity consumption, according to a statement.

At Ukraine’s request, on Sunday, May 12, emergency electricity was already supplied from Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

Also on Sunday, at Poland’s request, Ukraine will provide emergency assistance to receive surplus electricity from the country’s electrical network.

In light of the significant damage to the Ukrainian electricity grid following the Russian bombings, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine urges consumers to reduce the use of energy-intensive appliances during peak hours (especially in the evening between 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. ). The industry is also being urged to review its production processes to reduce the burden on the power grid and use imports as much as possible to ensure disruptions are avoided and the grid is more resilient.

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: Romania supplies electricity Ukraine breakdowns national energy system caused Russian bombings
