“Romania collapses if it does not have access to European funds”

“Romania collapses if it does not have access to European funds”
“Romania collapses if it does not have access to European funds”

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu was present at the Subjective show on Antena 3 CNN, where he spoke about the risk of Romania collapsing in the absence of European funds.

Marcel Ciolacu has declared over time that Romania is collapsing without European funds. Romania’s economic sustainability at the moment is based on European funds. According to what the prime minister said, “Romania will collapse if it does not have access to European funds and if it does not implement reforms in the EU”.

“For 32 years, we have had economic increases in consumption. Last year and this year there will be economic increases in investments. After we finish these investments, Romania must enter the area of ​​economic growth based on production”, declares Marcel Ciolacu.

Asked if he is sure that he will not lose the money from the PNRR, the prime minister answers in the negative.

“I am optimistic. I closed a financial year for the first time at 97%. The last one, which others closed, was 54%”, Marcel Ciolacu also states.

Also, Marcel Ciolacu specified his greatest achievement as prime minister.

“I am convinced that this year Romania will also enter the Schengen Area by land. We have been talking about Schengen for 13 years. I and the Government of Romania have managed to partially enter, by air and sea,” Marcel Ciolacu also states.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Romania collapses access European funds
