VIDEO Criminal case opened by the Police after a wedding with a procession that blocked streets in a town in Teleorman / During the event, the police directed the traffic

VIDEO Criminal case opened by the Police after a wedding with a procession that blocked streets in a town in Teleorman / During the event, the police directed the traffic
VIDEO Criminal case opened by the Police after a wedding with a procession that blocked streets in a town in Teleorman / During the event, the police directed the traffic

The Teleorman police announced the opening of a criminal case after a wedding procession blocked several streets in Buzescu. During the event, the police directed the traffic. The measures aimed “aimed at the tranquility of the community and the safety of road users”, says the Police.

“On the 10th of May, the police officers from the Teleorman Road Service reported themselves ex officio and drew up a criminal file in which investigations are carried out for blocking or hindering traffic.

Considering the large number of people who usually participate in such events, in order to prevent possible roadblocks and disturbance of the climate of order and public peace within the radius of the Buzescu locality, the police ensured measures to streamline road traffic and maintain public order.

We mention the fact that the actions of the police were aimed at the peace of the community and the safety of the traffic participants, the activities were not carried out to facilitate the movement of the procession”, the Police press release states.

The bridal procession headed towards the bride’s house, moving at very low speed, was opened by a convertible Rolls Royce car, on which was placed a plastic mannequin wearing the bride’s dress, and the train, which exceeded the length of the car, it was held by young people who were walking behind it, reports

The make-up table used for the bride, the chair on which she was seated, was carried by three people who were moving on foot, behind them driving, at very low speed, other luxury vehicles, the Rolls Royce brand, followed by a procession who transported food, by car or on foot: a Mercedes all-terrain vehicle towed a trailer on which baskets of fruit and other food were placed, and behind it, men moved on foot pushing large carts, used in shops of DIY, on which sacrificed animals were placed: pigs, calves, but also roosters and calves hanging on boards carried on the shoulders of young people.

The procession included a wheelbarrow carrying bags of charcoal for the barbecue, as well as a live calf wearing a large red bow.

Not only the road, but also the sidewalks were blocked, the wedding organizers removing furniture, wheeled carpets and other decorations on the public space.

The whole event had live music in the background, with lots of decibels and dedications.

Numerous internet users filmed and posted on social networks the procession from Buzeşti, which paralyzed traffic in the locality, many criticizing the authorities’ lack of firmness in the face of such an event.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: VIDEO Criminal case opened Police wedding procession blocked streets town Teleorman event police directed traffic
