The field in Romania that has a crisis of employees, despite the attractive salaries. Money “in hand” between 4,000 and 14,000 lei

The field in Romania that has a crisis of employees, despite the attractive salaries. Money “in hand” between 4,000 and 14,000 lei
The field in Romania that has a crisis of employees, despite the attractive salaries. Money “in hand” between 4,000 and 14,000 lei

Despite the generous salary offers, which often exceed the threshold of 2,000 euros net per month, one of the fields with an important contribution to Romania’s GDP leads to an acute lack of employees.

Romanian farmers complain that they cannot find tractor drivers, although they offer them salaries between 4,000 and 14,000 lei, according to an analysis by

“We also make them apprentices sometimes. After this period, many leave. Often, people choose to go abroad,” the farmer from Iesa, Cristian Stoica, told Termene.

Romanian farms lack at least 300-400 tractor drivers, according to estimates sent by agricultural associations in a memo to the Ministry of Agriculture.

According to farmers’ statements, the reasons why Romanian farms no longer have tractor drivers are related to the fact that older people do not know how to operate the new computerized combines, and the young people who know how to operate them “run away” from agriculture because it is a seasonal job which does not provide them with income throughout the year.

In addition, agricultural high schools do not produce young people prepared to practice this profession.

From the data received from farmers and agricultural associations, it appears that the net salary offered to a tractor driver is between 4,000 lei and 14,000 lei. A minimum income of 3,000-4,000 lei is ensured in the farms in the south of the country, in the eastern and northeastern parts, salaries increase up to 6,000-7,000.

The record is held by Ardeal, here a tractor driver earns over 10,000 lei.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: field Romania crisis employees attractive salaries Money hand lei
