Candidates for Oradea City Hall and Bihor County Council met…


Candidates for Oradea City Hall and Bihor County Council met on Friday with Bihor patrons in the first debate of the electoral campaign for the June 9 elections.

Face to face

At the meeting focused generally on economic issues, organized by the Federation of Bihor Patrons in the Oradea Citadel, most of the important candidates took part, accompanied by their supporters.

Among the participants in the discussions were the mayor of Oradea, Florin Birta, and the president of CJ Bihor, Ilie Bolojan, also considered favorites of the electoral race. In the previous elections, the two avoided such debates.

“I accepted the invitation out of respect. Unfortunately, the Bihor business environment, similar to the political one, is fragmented into a large number of formations, which reduces their power and representativeness”, he declared, for Bihorthe liberal Ilie Bolojan.

The only representative of a strong formation that missed the meeting was the PESEDist Aurel Mohan, who will run against Bolojan for the position of president of CJ Bihor. According to the organizers, the Bihor PSD leader excused his absence by announcing that he had already accepted the invitation to an event occasioned by the visit to Bihor of the Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoană.

In his absence, local councilor Adrian Madar, candidate for the Oradea City Hall, presented the formation’s position towards the challenges faced by the Bihor business environment.

Everything for the business environment…

In his speech, the president of the CJ Bihor, Ilie Bolojan, spoke about the need to set up industrial parks in all the cities of the county, attracting investors and promoting dual education.

It is worth mentioning that Bolojan and Birta did not stay until the end, but left the meeting after about 45 minutes, to participate in the Romanian Independence Day ceremonies.

During the meeting moderated by Marius Cuibus, the president of the FPB, the Pedestrians Adrian Madar and Békési Csaba (no candidate for the position of county councilor) they supported the idea of ​​establishing an industrial park intended exclusively for the local business environment and allocating an exhibition space for the products of local companies. At the same time, they emphasized the need to encourage businesses that create well-paid jobs.

Udemers Rozália Biró, candidate for Oradea City Hall, and Cseke Attila, candidate for CJ Bihor, touched on issues related to both the business environment and the promotion of social measures that support Bihor families or contribute to reducing the differences between the urban environment and the rural one.

For their part, the users, Daniel Palaghianu, candidate for the position of mayor of Oradea and Alex Orjan, who is competing for the position of president of CJ Bihor, spoke about the need to develop the IT sector, with well-paid jobs, and the development of partnerships with Oradea University for improving the quality of local higher education.

Among many others, they also answered the questions from the hall regarding the future plans and the relationship with the local economic environment Csomortányi István (Alliance of Hungarians from Transylvania), candidate for Oradea City Hall, Ciprian Blejan (Alliance for the Union of Romanians) and Mihai Lasca (Patriot Party of the Romanian People), both candidates for the headship of CJ Bihor.

“It was an effective meeting”

The public debate with the candidates, organized by FPB Bihor, lasted about three hours and would have gone on if the hosts had not put an end to it.

“It was an effective meeting, in which the candidates answered a large number of questions raised by FPB members. There were many requests that were not answered because they would have reached us not tonight, but on the day of the elections…”, he declared for Bihor after the end of the meeting the president of FPB, Marius Cuibus (photo below).

The organizers asked to find out the position of the candidates regarding various issues related to the local business environment, starting from how they will take into account the requests of entrepreneurs and ending with the reduction of bureaucracy.

“I even tried to provoke the candidates to argue with each other, but I didn’t really succeed,” Cuibus admitted.

Anyway, the FPB management retained the proposal formulated by the representative of the UDMR, Rozália Biró, and embraced by all the candidates, regarding the establishment within the municipality of Oradea and the CJ Bihor of an advisory commission on economic issues that would also include representatives of the environment business from Bihor.

It remains to be seen if this will remain valid even after the June 9 elections…

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Candidates Oradea City Hall Bihor County Council met ..
