Sibiu will have a swimming complex, while the project of the multipurpose hall with 6,000 seats is in the air


Sibiu will have a swimming complex, according to mayor Astrid Fodor. The Multipurpose Hall with over 6,000 seats remains for now only at the project level.

Swimming complex in Sibiu

The Municipal Stadium was the most anticipated investment in recent years. In the field of sports, the Binder Lake Water Sports Complex project followed. In the past years, the skate-park at Obor was completed, and the sports base is also to be opened in this area. On the Gușteriței Hills, the works for “Gușterland” will begin in June, and soon Sibiu will also have a swimming complex.

Read also: The first Aqua Park in Sibiu will be built on Calea Poplăcii

“In addition to the Municipal Stadium together with the secondary field, the Obor Sports Base – which we are preparing to open to the public, we have also created the Binder Lake Water Sports Complex and the Obor skate park. Next is the Gușterland Complex and the bicycle and pedestrian paths on the Gușteriței Hill and a Swimming Complex for which we have already signed the contract for the development of the PUZ. This is to mention only the big projects. Therefore, we have invested and continue to invest in sports infrastructure. Added to this is the financing of sports activities, for which this year we have allocated a record amount – over 12 million lei”, said Astrid Fodor, mayor of Sibiu, in an interview for Ora de Sibiu.

The project of the multipurpose room, in the air

There are not many details about the status of the Multipurpose Hall project. The town hall agreed to make available to the County Council a plot of land in Câmpșor to build it. The ball is now in CJ’s court.

“The County Council really asked us for a plot of land for the construction of a multipurpose hall. We were open to the initiative and conveyed to the County Council that we can make land available in the Câmpșor area, but of course under certain conditions. Until now, I have not received any correspondence from the County Council on this topic”, stated Astrid Fodor.

In December last year, Adrian Bibu declared that the multipurpose hall, which will have a capacity of 6,500 seats, will be ready “in 5-6 years”. DETAILS HERE.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Sibiu swimming complex project multipurpose hall seats air
