Frigate “Regina Maria” takes part in the EUNAVFOR MED operation “IRINI”

Frigate “Regina Maria” takes part in the EUNAVFOR MED operation “IRINI”
Frigate “Regina Maria” takes part in the EUNAVFOR MED operation “IRINI”

The “Regina Maria” frigate, with an IAR 330 Puma Naval helicopter and a detachment for special forces (FOS) on board, left on Thursday, May 9, from the military port of Constanța to participate, for 30 days, in the EUNAVFOR MED Operation “IRINI”, in the Mediterranean Sea.

Thus, Romania is taking part for the third time in the EUNAVFOR MED Operation “IRINI”, according to a press release from the Romanian Naval Forces.

As part of the mission, the ship will contribute to ensuring compliance with the UN arms embargo imposed on Libya by monitoring maritime traffic and carrying out inspections on board commercial ships in transit in the Mediterranean Sea.

The EUNAVFOR MED operation “IRINI”, successor to EUNAFOR MED “SOPHIA”, is a crisis management operation, initiated following the decisions taken at the Berlin Conference in 2022, in order to achieve the conditions for a permanent end to the conflict in Libya.

The frigate “Regina Maria” – 222 is commanded by Commander Alexandru Mitel-Laurentiu and has a crew of 240 soldiers on board.

Editor – Daniel Șăndăreanu

The article is in Romanian


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