VIDEO “Trouble on February 1”. Iulian Dumitrescu spoke for the first time about the DNA file that concerns him, and the launch of the candidacy for the headship of CJ Prahova left with a scandal


The leader of PNL Prahova, Iulian Dumitrescu, placed under judicial control by the DNA in a case in which he is charged with bribery in the amount of over 16 million lei and false statements, spoke publicly for the first time on Friday about his indictment , referring to the case instrumented by the anti-corruption prosecutors in terms such as “the difficult time we had” and “the trouble from February 1”, informs

Iulian Dumitrescu, head of CJ PrahovaPhoto: Inquam Photos / Lavinia Cioaca

“Obviously I’m emotional, it’s a special moment for me today, dear friends, dear colleagues, it’s my first speech after the trouble on February 1. It’s quite simple, but at the same time it’s quite complicated to tell you a few words. All people have difficult moments in life”, stated Iulian Dumitrescu, in a speech read at the launch of his candidacy and that of the other PNL Prahova representatives for the local elections.

“I also had a hard time in February, but anyway it doesn’t compare to the hard times that any family has when it comes to the health of parents, children, wife or siblings. These are hard times, which cannot be compared to anything,” he added.

“Despite what many people will believe, such a tough experience changes you a lot for the better. You realize who your friends are, who you can rely on, you become much more aware that in politics the higher you climb, you can fall, you can be hurt and you can choose to withdraw or you can choose to continue. Some would say that it is a sign of courage to choose to continue, not to withdraw, and I hope that most of the people from Prahoven believe that about me”, Dumitrescu said.

He did not make any reference to the concrete accusations brought against him.

Dumitrescu also claimed, in front of the PNL representatives present at the candidacy launch event, that it is normal to want to continue his projects built “for the people of Prague”, saying that he does not want his work of three years to be ruined.

He accused a “miserable orchestrated media campaign” against him and said that his political fight in Prahova is with the “Cosma clan”, referring to the family of the former president of the Prahova County Council, Mircea Cosma.

No representative of the party’s central leadership participated in the PNL candidacy launch event in Prahova, as this event was not announced by the PNL Prahova press office except for some journalists.

Journalists seized in a hallway in CJ Prahova headquarters, during the launch of Iulian Dumitrescu’s candidacy

The local publication Ziarul Incomod reported on Friday that one of its reporters and an operator of the Romania TV news station were seized in a hallway of the Administrative Palace in Ploiesti during the launch of Iulian Dumitrescu’s candidacy for the position of president of the Prahova County Council (CJ) .

The two would have been kept locked up abusively for about ten minutes.

The incident happened while a police crew was requested to intervene at the request of a person who was reporting that Iulian Dumitrescu was violating the measure of judicial control and illegally entered the space where CJ Prahova operates.

Unauthorized journalists were forcibly kept out of the Europa hall of the Administrative Palace, and some of them were abused by guards who simply locked them in a hallway at the B entrance of the building, according to the cited publication. .

Only when the journalists announced that they were calling the police were they allowed to leave.

According to a press release from the Prahova Police, in parallel with the incident related to the unwanted presence of the press, a citizen reported to 112 that Dumitrescu entered the CJ Prahova building without right, as it is still under the power of the preventive measure of judicial control.

The referral had no legal basis, as Iulian Dumitrescu was only prohibited from exercising his position as president of CJ Prahova, not from entering the building where the institution he led works until February. notes that, according to some judicial sources, in the case of the journalists seized in the lobby of CJ Prahova, investigations are being carried out for deprivation of liberty.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: VIDEO Trouble February Iulian Dumitrescu spoke time DNA file concerns launch candidacy headship Prahova left scandal
