The United States approves the sale of AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II missiles to Romania

The United States approves the sale of AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II missiles to Romania
The United States approves the sale of AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II missiles to Romania

The United States of America has approved the sale of AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II missiles to Romania to provide advanced air-to-air capabilities for the Romanian Air Force’s F-16s.

The missiles are valued at approximately 70 million US dollars. This sale is part of a larger, long-term modernization effort that the United States is supporting for the benefit of the Romanian Air Force, the US Embassy in Romania announced.

Block II contains the most advanced AIM-9X Sidewinder missile technology to date and is currently in service with the US military.

US Chargé d’Affaires Michael Dickerson praised this acquisition as another excellent example of the strong security and defense ties between Romania and the United States, saying: “This acquisition is not just a transaction; it is a testament to our shared commitment to security and peace. These advanced missiles will ensure the safety of the Romanian sky”.

What is the AIM-9X Block II Missile

The AIM-9X Sidewinder is a proven triple-threat combat missile used for air-to-air, surface attack and surface launch missions.

The AIM-9X belongs to the AIM-9 Sidewinder family of short-range missiles manufactured by Raytheon. It is an infrared air-to-air missile developed primarily for the US Air Force and US Navy.

The AIM-9X Sidewinder missile is in service in more than 24 countries around the world. It is supplied to NATO member countries and other US allied nations.

The AIM-9X Block II missile was launched from the National Advanced Surface-to-Air System (NASAMS) launcher for the first time in May 2019.

Development of AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles

Development of the AIM-9X began as part of a joint US Navy and USAF program. The AIM-9X procurement program is focused on meeting urgent aircraft and troop requirements by providing a state-of-the-art Sidewinder to replace the AIM-9M missile.

The first AIM-9X missile was launched in March 1999. Between 1999 and 2000, 13 separation and control test launches and 12 guided launches were conducted from US Navy F/A-18 and USAF F-15 aircraft.

Raytheon was awarded the first low-rate initial production contract for the AIM-9X in November 2000. Initial operational capability was achieved in November 2003, while full-rate production began in May 2004.

The AIM-9X Block II missile completed its first test firing in November 2008. Also known as the AIM-9X-2, the missile is an improved variant with a post-launch lock-on feature. The AIM-9X Block II has a redesigned safety and one-way forward-quarters data link. The data link allows him to engage targets even beyond line of sight.

Full production of the AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II infrared air-to-air missile began following US Navy approval in September 2015.

Raytheon has revealed plans to increase its AIM-9X Sidewinder range by up to 60% in 2018.

Raytheon and the Royal Norwegian Air Force jointly conducted a flight test of AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II missiles from a National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile (NASAM) system for the first time in May 2019. The missile engaged and destroyed its the target during the flight test that was conducted at the Andoya Test Center in Norway.

The missile was also launched from the NASAMS air defense system during a demonstration conducted by the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation Office in 2022.

Design features of the AIM-9X Sidewinder

The IM-9X incorporates an agile, vector-controlled thrust airframe. It uses a high performance focal plane sensor and integrates components such as a rocket motor, warhead and AIM-9M fuse. The missile’s digital design architecture can accommodate improvements for future requirements.

The rocket has a length of 3 m, a diameter of 12.7 cm, a wingspan of 44.4 cm, a wingspan of 35.3 cm and weighs approximately 85 kg. It can carry a 9.36 kg ring fragmentation warhead to a range of over ten miles.

The AIM-9X can be integrated with a wide range of aircraft, including the E/A-18G, F/A-18C/D, F-15, F-15C, F/A-18E/F, F-15E, F- Model 16, F-22 and F-35. The missile is compatible with the NASAM, LAU-7 and LAU-12X series launchers.

Guidance and navigation

The infrared (IR) guidance section performs tracking and guidance functions. The AIM-9X is a guided missile system that uses a medium-wave IR FPA seeker. The seeker, equipped with High Off-Boresight (HOBS), can be used with a helmet-mounted sight for a wider attack assembly. Uses passive IR energy for target acquisition and tracking. After launch, the seeker tracks the heat signature from the hostile aircraft’s engines.

IR homing ensures missile launch during day/night and in an electronic countermeasures environment. The missile can engage targets in close beyond visual range and in visual range areas.


The propulsion for the AIM-9X contains a Mk 36 rocket motor that integrates a thrust vector control package. The solid propellant engine uses a low smoke hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene propellant. The cylindrical shape of the pellets and the integrated drive control system improve the range and maneuverability of the missile.

AIM-9X orders and deliveries

The US Air Force received its 10,000th AIM-9X Sidewinder missile in June 2021.

In June 2023, the US Navy awarded Raytheon a $264 million contract modification to the production contract for Lot 23, originally awarded in December 2022. Raytheon will manufacture and deliver 571 AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles and associated parts under of the amendment contract, which is expected. to be completed in August 2026.

The United States Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) has received US State Department approval for an $85.6 million military sale of 100 AIM-9X Block II sidewinder tactical missiles and four AIM- 9X Block II in September 2022.

The US has approved the $117 million sale of AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles to the Netherlands in May 2022.

In June 2021, the US State Department approved the Philippine government’s request to purchase 24 AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II tactical missiles, 24 AIM-9X Block II Captive Air Training (CATM) missiles, tactical guidance units and other equipment in a $42.4 million foreign military sale.

The Canadian government received approval to purchase 50 AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder tactical missiles, 50 AIM-9X Block II CATMs and related equipment in an $862.3 million US foreign military sale in June 2020.

Raytheon was awarded a $392.4 million contract modification by the US Navy in March 2020 to manufacture and supply AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles, captive air training missiles, tactical round missiles, captive test missiles and other equipment. The contract is for production under lot 20.

The company was awarded a $151.4 million contract to provide sustainment support for the US Navy and US Air Force AIM-9X Block II and Block II+ missiles, along with 20 other countries.

The US Department of Defense awarded Raytheon a €379 million ($434 million) contract in December 2018 to procure 766 modified AIM-9X Block II missiles for the US Navy, US Air Force and the governments of the Emirates United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Qatar, Norway and Israel. The contract also includes 160 AIM-9X Block II+ for its air force and navy, along with the governments of Australia, the Netherlands and Israel.

The Belgian Air Force received a batch of AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder short-range missiles in January 2017.

In July 2016, Raytheon won a $291 million contract from the US Navy to produce Lot 16 AIM-9X Block II missiles for the US military and the governments of Taiwan, Norway and Japan.

In March 2012, Raytheon was awarded a $97 million modification contract for initial low-rate production of Lot 12 of 19 and 120 AIM-9X Block II missiles for South Korea and Saudi Arabia, respectively.

In September 2012, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman and Poland also made requests to purchase AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II missiles.

In December 2004, Raytheon received a $158 million contract from the US Naval Air Systems Command to produce 443 AIM-9X missiles, 153 AIM-9X trainer missiles and associated equipment

The article is in Romanian

Tags: United States approves sale AIM9X Sidewinder Block missiles Romania
