“Whenever I came to Sibiu I somehow felt outside the country”


Lavinia Șerban is 50 years old, from Ploiesti, and has been living in Sibiu for more than 25 years. Passionate about hand-made, she has been bringing her products to the center of Sibiu for a year, at the place she called Chic Shop and which is located on Ocnei street, at number six.

Lavinia is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters in Bucharest. He practiced in the field during the faculty, when he taught courses at several private schools in Bucharest. She met her husband in Bucharest, and then moved with him to Sibiu.

“I liked Sibiu, it was a city where I came very fondly, every time I came I felt somehow outside the country. I was happy when I got to live here”, said Lavinia.

“I like colors, I like shades, I play with them, that’s what I feel I have to do”

Lavinia started the business many years ago, when she only offered handmade jewelry and accessories to the Sibians. With the move of the business to the center of Sibiu, she made the decision to also sell clothes, many of which she painted or decorated with accessories, thus becoming unique pieces of clothing.

“I really liked the hand-made aspect, the decoration part, I like the colors, I like the shades, I play with them, that’s what I feel I have to do. When time allowed, at some point, I started to take this passion seriously. I took jewelry making courses, and several years ago the opportunity arose to take over a business. I continued and rebranded the business, and from last year I brought it to the center and also from last year I also brought clothes that I decorate with all kinds of accessories”, she said.

In addition to clothes and jewelry, at Chic Shop we also find accessories such as belts, gloves, brooches, hair accessories, and hats.

“The jewelry is made of semi-precious stones, we combine the stones a lot with each other. We also try to create outfits, there are a lot of people who come to us and accept our ideas, ask us for advice, we arrange their clothes and accessorize them”, she said.

“I want to have my own hand painted clothing line”

The clothes are sourced from Italy, from small artisan workshops, workshops that have small series production, which means that most of the clothes at Chic Shop are one-of-a-kind.


“We go for casual, day wear, but which can be adapted, especially since now many outfits are adapted to events such as christenings or evenings. Our customers find originality, unique pieces, information and advice, things that we make at their request, customize, and bend according to their requirements and wishes. I want to have my own hand painted clothing line. This is my thought for the near future,” concluded Lavinia.

You can also follow Lavinia’s business on the Chic Shop facebook page.


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Adina Torop

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Sibiu felt country
