The real reason why the murderer PASSARIS was kept alone in the cell for 23 years

The real reason why the murderer PASSARIS was kept alone in the cell for 23 years
The real reason why the murderer PASSARIS was kept alone in the cell for 23 years

Investigators have revealed, for the first time, the real reason why Greek murderer Konstantinos Passaris was kept in solitary confinement for more than 23 years. No other prisoner would have been subjected to a similar detention regime, at least since 1989.

After the double assassination on the night of November 24 to 25, 2001, when he fatally shot two security guards of a currency exchange in the center of Bucharest, Kostas Passaris was sentenced to life imprisonment. From the first moment he was put behind bars, the Greek criminal was kept in solitary confinement, regardless of whether he was in pretrial detention or in a maximum security penitentiary.

Moreover, for a long time, the prisoner, considered particularly dangerous, was released only separately and with chains on his hands and feet. Recently, his detention regime was changed, from maximum security to closed, and he was moved to the Craiova Penitentiary, where he had been previously incarcerated.

Sources from the National Penitentiary Administration (ANP) declared, for thoughtthat the detainee was housed alone in the room and is subject to close surveillance by specialized staff, who are trying to profile him.

The cited sources stated that although Passaris has been to Craiova before, this happened a long time ago, and those responsible for security must know him as he is now.

The same sources also stated that the real reason why the Greek is kept alone is his availability for murder. Moreover, there is the assumption that, at least now that he is only a few years away from being released, he could be tempted to kill another man, given that he is to be transferred to Greece, where another punishment awaits him .

Passaris has never worked in prison

Konstantinos Passaris has, in his native country, two active escapes and killed two policemen, which is why he never wants to come home again. As a result, there is the assumption that the prisoner is willing to commit another murder, to prolong his legal problems in Romania, and the most convenient would be to kill one of his cellmates. In this context, the sources thought they stated that the killer is the only convict in Romania who, since the first day, has been alone in the cell.

Moreover, although, according to the new regime of execution of the sentence, Passaris has the right to work, including outside the prison, sources from the National Administration of Penitentiaries said, for thoughtthat the Greek never worked, under the conditions that this would entail a reduction of the sentence.


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The article is in Romanian

Tags: real reason murderer PASSARIS cell years
