The Romanian city that fascinated foreigners. It is close to Bucharest and is known for its cleanliness

The Romanian city that fascinated foreigners. It is close to Bucharest and is known for its cleanliness
The Romanian city that fascinated foreigners. It is close to Bucharest and is known for its cleanliness

The city in Romania, located near Bucharest, which fascinated foreign tourists. It is recognized for its cleanliness, but also for its important historical monuments.

The Romanian city that fascinated foreigners. It is very close to Bucharest

Near Bucharest there is a very beautiful city, which also attracts visitors from other countries. Maybe you’ve passed by this place a few times, but you didn’t stay to enjoy what it has to offer.

It is about Curtea de Argeș, a city that has an important historical and cultural significance. Many tourists passing through Transfăgărășan also stop in this town.

It is located 142 km from Bucharest, and the century-old houses as well as the historical monuments attract both Romanian tourists and those who come from abroad.

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In Curtea de Argeș, the most important Byzantine constructions on Romanian territory have been preserved. One of them is the Royal Church, a monument from the 14th century. It is on the indicative list of UNESCO.

Some of the most important rulers were born in Curtea de Argeș. It is about Neagoe Basarab, Vlaicu Vodă or Mircea the Elder. In fact, the city was the first capital of Wallachia during the reign of Vladislav I, who sat on the throne from 1364 to 1377.

In addition, one of the most famous and visited places of worship in the area is the Curtea de Argeș Monastery, which was built by Neagoe Basarab in the years 1515-1517.

A Gospel unique in the world was given to the place of worship by Queen Elizabeth. It was written in letters of gold and painted on parchment by her.

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The Royal Railway Station is another monument in Curtea de Argeș. The location will be completely rehabilitated and the plans were drawn up by the French architect André Lecomte du Noüy.

What else is the city known for?

According to experts, Romanian is spoken most correctly in Curtea de Argeș. The city remains one of the most visited in the country, recognized for its important monuments.

“In the 13th century, more precisely from 1247, Curtea de Argeş was the seat of the voivode Seneslau, whose son, Basarab, united all the princedoms and voivodeships between the Carpathians and the Danube in one country, Wallachia .

The city’s geostrategic position also mattered a lot in this choice to be the capital of Wallachia”stated Constantin Vasilescu, professor of history, according to

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Romanian city fascinated foreigners close Bucharest cleanliness
