“We cannot run out of money allocated to county roads”

“We cannot run out of money allocated to county roads”
“We cannot run out of money allocated to county roads”

Alin Nica, the president of the Timiș County Council, accuses the PSD of setting up a draft decision by which the money allocated for county and communal roads in the county will be cut by 83 percent of the money allocated for the mentioned roads. According to the official, the proposal endangers the movement of citizens from many localities.

He says that such a proposal is just a way for PSD to take money and then distribute it again, but this party appears as the one that “gives” the money.

I received a draft resolution initiated by a number of 19 county councilors proposing to cut over 83% of the money allocated for county roads, which seems to me to be extremely irresponsible on the part of the councilors who proposed this, because endangering the lives, endangering the property of their residents who live along those county roads and who use these county roads. Localities like Periam, Pesac, Variaș and Ohaba Lungă, Boldur, Buziaș, even Deta, Ghilad, Beba Veche will no longer have the chance to have a rehabilitated or repaired road or to circulate safely. Because of this irresponsibility of the PSD and PNL councilors who proposed this decision, obviously from my point of view it is a continuation of a way of working that I was used to on the part of the PSD, that of taking, and then they come to give their generosity a conditioning, practically a conditioning towards the inhabitants, towards the citizens, especially in these pre-election moments, which is very dangerous and very serious, because maybe the PSD, used to such conditioning in other parts of the country . But here, in Banat, in Timiș, people do not accept such empty methods, empty practices that PSD accustoms citizens to in other parts of the country, and I want to say very clearly, as happened with the stadium, it was postponed 2 years precisely to be, say, offered as an electoral bribe now, in the campaign“, said Nica on Thursday.

The project regarding road money comes alongside a new version of the one by which the money is reallocated to balance local budgets, but with amounts distributed differently from the version initially approved and, later, challenged in court by Timiș Prefecture. Nica accuses that the new proposals are a kind of blackmail to the mayors of Timiș, by which they are forced to support his opponent from the PSD for the head of the CJT, Alfred Simonis.

This is what the PSD wants to do, and with these two decisions on the allocation of sums of money they blocked them and wanted to keep them blocked precisely to force the mayors to vote for the PSD candidate at the County Council. They still come now, they say they are fixing it, but in fact they are doing even more damage, because cutting, leaving the county roads with only 15% – 17% of the money for the whole year seems to me a crime against, actually, a crime against the people of Timisoara and a mockery to all the residents of our county. On a different note, I saw that in the 2nd draft of the proposed decision, the idea is to cut again, on average, more than 25% of the funds allocated to several town halls led by the PNL mayor“, Nica also transmits.

He gives as an example the communes of Ghiroda and Dudeștii Noi.

For example, 98% of the amounts allocated for balancing for Ghiroda commune or 89% of those for Dudeștii Noi commune were cut and reallocated, I suspect, through an agreement between the Bucharest interim leadership of PNL Timiș and PSD Timiș, led by the PSD candidate at County Council. An agreement similar to the one by which the candidacy for the Timiș County Council was ceded from the PNL to the PSD. So, basically, the PNL interim management in Bucharest is handing over the interests of the residents of the localities where the PNL mayors are totally to the PSD. I am curious how these residents will react when they find out that the party of which the mayor is a member or the mayors of those localities are a part has without any embarrassment ceded important sums for the development of their localities to the PSD PSD localities that have received these large sums before and still differentiated in addition to those from the PNL in the autumn of last year“, said Nica.

Now, the head of the CJT says that he is waiting, in the plenary session where the issue of money will be discussed, what justification the initiators bring for such a project.

I expect them to justify the two draft decisions in plenary and let’s see how they justify cutting 83% of the money for county roads. I am also waiting to see the justification from the lines written in the approval report. I could not edify myself. I will ask them questions in plenary and in committees. I am not blocking a legitimate initiative of the county councillors. They have the legal right to initiate these two projects of decisions and decisions and on Monday we will have a council meeting to debate these projects and others that we had to come to the county council with anyway“, according to Nica.

He also claims that the process launched by the Prefecture to block the initial allocation of money will be lost by the initiators.

The prefect knew that he would lose in the next term, in June, after the elections, when the new term was given, and that’s why they came up with this solution, let’s say, they say, remedial, but in fact it’s a disaster for the county roads and for the citizens who I live in those towns. The block would have been until the first term, when the court would have ruled in our favor, no i. I had no doubt about this and all the amounts we had would have been unblocked need to continue the repair and investment plan in county roads. Either through this draft decision, 83% of the money allocated for county roads is definitively cut”; says the head of CJ Timiș.

The situation is very serious, says the official.

We cannot run out of money allocated for county roads. I am in a very, very serious situation“, according to Nica.

The decision taken by the current leadership of the county council was to maintain funding for a few important projects, but this also means endangering those who drive on the rest of the county’s roads.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: run money allocated county roads
