What losses on the network are reported by Hidro Prahova

What losses on the network are reported by Hidro Prahova
What losses on the network are reported by Hidro Prahova

Hidro Prahova claims that the rate of losses in the supply system in 2024 is 48%. At least that’s how it appears in the answer sent, on Thursday, to the Observatorulph.ro editorial office. At the end of April, former prefect Virgiliu Nanu complained, during a press conference, about the losses assumed by the company.

Hidro Prahova admits, in the response sent to Observatorulph.ro, that the rate of losses in the supply system is 48%. Practically, almost half of the water transported on networks is lost.

Hidro Prahova believes, however, that the loss rate decreased compared to 2021, given that the length of the distribution network was extended by 223 km.

In 2021, the rate of losses from the water supply system of Hidro Prahova SA was 52%. By 2024, this rate has dropped to 48%, as the length of the distribution network has been extended from 2,449 km in 2021 to 2,672 km on 31.12.2023.

This improvement reflects our ongoing efforts to optimize the management of water resources and make the water distribution system more efficient”, it is stated in the response sent to the editorial office by Hidro Prahova, which also specified the strategy approached to reduce water losses on the network.

In April, the former prefect of Prahova county, Virgiliu Nanu, during a press conference, complained about the losses recorded by the regional operator.

The Prahovean Observatory challenge

The article is in Romanian


Tags: losses network reported Hidro Prahova
