The revelations of the millionaire devastated by two love dramas. One wife left him for the wedding godfather, one for Cristi Borcea

The revelations of the millionaire devastated by two love dramas. One wife left him for the wedding godfather, one for Cristi Borcea
The revelations of the millionaire devastated by two love dramas. One wife left him for the wedding godfather, one for Cristi Borcea

Home miscellaneous The revelations of the millionaire devastated by two love dramas. One wife left him for the wedding godfather, one for Cristi Borcea

Published: 05/09/2024, 17:09.

The revelations of the millionaire devastated by two love dramas

Cristian Boureanu, alongside Valentina Pelinel / Collage Hepta

These are the revelations of millionaire Cristian Boureanu, who was devastated by two love dramas. The businessman spoke about the divorces that marked his life. He was abandoned by his wife after incredible events.

Boureanu was married between 2007 and 2014 to Valentina Pelinel, but the former model divorced him to be with the former patron of Dinamo. It was the second marriage that was “falling apart” for the well-known Romanian millionaire. His first wife left him for the godfather, with whom he had an affair.

The revelations of the millionaire devastated by two love dramas

Cristian Boureanu does not like Cristi Borcea, who now has three children with Valentina Pelinel. He also announced that he meets “Leonidas” often.

I see Cristi quite often, he at the gym, I at the sauna, what should I do? I didn’t even have children with Valentina, I had another love in high school that I broke up with and we both cried for years, but that’s a secret, I won’t tell.

I woke up at night crying and told her (I didn’t tell Valentina that she dreamed she had a relationship with Cristi Borcea), after which I apologized, but they already had a relationship. I think we have some very good instincts if we listen to them. It didn’t even cross my mind. We forget how many things we feel“, said Cristian Boureanu on the Xtra Night Show, quoted by

The well-known millionaire was first married to Irina Boureanu, and the “break” between them occurred for a surprising reason. He found out that his wife is cheating on him even with the godfather. Out of anger, he told the woman that he would not see his daughter again until she gave up meeting Sebastian Vlădescu. It ended in divorce.

Cristian Boureanu: “Obviously it was difficult, there were betrayals in difficult moments!”

Sebastian and I were very good friends, we had common passions, we even had businesses, he was also our godfather, but we remain friends even now. After years, for Ioana, we started to talk and understand each other. I also learned over time that people are not property, we cannot keep them by force, I believe in the freedom of man to decide. It wasn’t as easy for me then, but I didn’t think about killing myself.

The biggest struggle was until the moment I just gave up. I think I’ve kind of come to terms with myself in principle, I don’t think there are many things left. One of the greatest sins of confession is to continue to blame yourself for the sins you have confessed. Obviously it was hard, there were betrayals in hard times, when hard things happen and everyone abandons you“, the Romanian millionaire also said.

Cristian Boureanu turned 51 in December. In recent years he has been in love with several Romanian women of unusual beauty (SEE THE PHOTO GALLERY BELOW). He was in a relationship with Laura Dincă for a long time and they were even close to getting married. After the breakup that took everyone by surprise, he also had a relationship with Cristina Belciu, who is nicknamed “Monica Bellucci from Romania”. This time too he was not more successful.

In the summer of last year, information appeared that he would fall in love with Laura Romanică, a young woman from the Republic of Moldova. She graduated in Criminal Law and is a stunning beauty.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: revelations millionaire devastated love dramas wife left wedding godfather Cristi Borcea
