UPDATE VIDEO ROAD ACCIDENT on the ring road of Alba Iulia municipality, in the roundabout area: Two cars involved


A road accident took place on Tuesday evening (May 7, 2024) on the ring road of Alba Iulia municipality. The road incident happened in the area of ​​the roundabout.

The accident was reported by ISU Alba representatives at around 9:00 p.m.

According to ISU Alba, the Alba Iulia fire department intervenes to ensure specific measures in the event of a road accident on the ring road in the municipality of Alba Iulia.

From the first information, it is about 2 cars involved, 6 traffic participants.

No incarcerated persons, ISU Alba representatives also reported.

According to IPJ Alba, road traffic is hampered on the bypass road of Alba Iulia municipality due to a road accident in which two cars were involved.

From the first data, two people would have suffered minor injuries. On-site investigation is ongoing.

UPDATE: What the Police representatives say

According to IPJ Alba, on May 7, 2024, at around 8:50 p.m., at the roundabout intersection between Mărășești streets and the bypass belt of Alba Iulia municipality, a 43-year-old woman from Daia Română commune, Alba county, while was driving a car, collided with a car driven by a 58-year-old woman from Cugir.

As a result of the accident, the driver of the first car suffered minor injuries and was transported to the hospital.

Both car drivers were tested with the breathalyzer, the result being negative.

The investigations are continued under the aspect of committing the crime of culpable bodily harm.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: UPDATE VIDEO ROAD ACCIDENT ring road Alba Iulia municipality roundabout area cars involved
