“It’s mafia there! You clipped the wings of a baby angel! Shame!”

“It’s mafia there! You clipped the wings of a baby angel! Shame!”
“It’s mafia there! You clipped the wings of a baby angel! Shame!”

Marian, Mădălina Manola’s brother, sent a tough Easter message to the “Romanians have talent” jurors. The brother of the “fiery-haired girl” is deeply outraged by the fact that little Rebeca Rizea, Mădălina’s lookalike, did not get a Golden Buzz that would have qualified her directly to the semi-final of the talent show on Pro Tv.

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Rebeca Rizea, Mădălina Manola’s double, would not have qualified in the semi-final Romanians have talent photo Facebook

In the edition of Friday, March 8, 2024, little Rebeca Rizea managed to cause a wave of emotions and nostalgia on the stage of “Romanians have talent”. Originally from Alexandria, the only 8-year-old child went on the stage of the talent show at Pro TV and performed Mădălina Manola’s song – “Tu n’ai avto curaj”.

While performing Mădălina Manola’s piece, the four jurors, as well as the audience, immediately noticed the striking similarity between her vocal timbre and that of the late artist.

Pavel Bartos: “He sings one-on-one and he’s only 8 years old.”

“God, what music Mădălina Manole left. What he left in our soul”Andra said.

“Rebeca, you have a voice and timbre… special is an understatement. It’s so unexpected to hear from a little girl like you… a voice like the one I heard coming out that I have to admit it took me a few seconds to realize it was really yours“, added Dragoș Bucur.

“It’s absolutely incredible how his voice can sound at 8 years old. At one point I would have closed my eyes… and even if it wasn’t Mădălina Manola’s voice, it was Mădălina’s timbre, which is absolutely incredible. You have a face that is like the sun like that, it looks like the sun has risen when you appear on stageAndi Moisescu also said.

Although many expected Rebeca Rizea to get a Golden Buzz from the “Romanians have Talent” judges, it seems that the little girl failed to convince them with her performance.

Marian Manole: “What will be in the little girl’s soul…”

The four jurors were harshly criticized by Mădălina Manole’s brother for not giving the child the chance to reach the semi-final.

“The Easter holidays end sadly for me! It was too beautiful! I found out a little while ago that little Mădălina, Rebeca, was not selected for the semi-finals!

He received 4 <> in the RAT edition when he sang, although all of Romania said he deserved the Golden Buzz directly in the semi-finals or final!

There were many who got 3 and 4 of <>from the judges and had a small chance to be chosen by them for the semi-finals. The little girl, however, I found out that she was no longer chosen!

I found out that the girl is not among those chosen in the semi-final from her mother and from a friend who called a friend from ProTV and who confirmed that Rebeca was not chosen!

If it had been an adult who would have performed a piece by Mădălina, it wouldn’t have hurt me so much, but to cut off the wings of an 8-year-old girl is sad!

This shows how much her colleagues loved Mădălina! And I mean Andra! The other three jurors, cardboard people!”

“It’s their mob over there…”

“Why didn’t they choose her?! Only those who decide who will be or not know that, on what criteria I don’t know, it’s their mafia over there, probably the sponsors dictate the conditions, I don’t know, I’m giving my opinion, but it’s clear that this kind of contest shows are not for us, the public, but for their arrangements!

What can I say, I’m disappointed, but….what will be in the little girl’s soul, I don’t want to think! It’s easy to say…you won, keep going, you lost keep going or failures strengthen you and make you stronger, but again but, they seem to suit athletes!

Let’s say he missed the medal because he fell off the beam, he lost the world title because he missed the last penalty and the examples go on! But what do you do with an 8-year-old child angel whose wings are cut from the start? How do you explain his failure? What did little Rebeca do wrong?!

Probably because he sang Mădălina’s song! What can I wish them now, at this hour, when I am a mountain of anger, honestly!? Shall I relate to this rainbow and tell her that she is a beautiful rainbow that appeared on the stage at RAT, but that I hope will not fade, just because that’s how the male jurors and female jurors wanted it to fade?!

How do Americans say shame?! Shame (I have no idea if it’s spelled that way), shame on you, who needs to be told! Rebeca’s head upMarian, the brother of the late Mădălina Manole, said angrily, exclusively for Click!

He burst into tears when he saw Mădălina’s little lookalike on stage!

Standing in front of the television, Marian, Mădălina’s brother, burst into tears of happiness when he heard Rebeca Rizea singing on stage at Romanians have talent.

“The girl is a phenomenon! What an experience, what a vocal timbre and diction he had on stage for only 8 years old! I cried when I listened to it, goosebumps from start to finish!

If I listened to it on the radio, I could swear it was Mădălina! How much strength, how much talent In such a small body! Little Rebeca Rizea impressed an entire countryMarian Manole also declared for Click!

Who is little Rebeca Rizea, the girl with the same vocal timbre as that of Mădălina Manola?

Rebeca Rizea is eight years old, she is from Alexandria and she is a fan of the show “Romanians have talent”. She’s been watching the show since she was little and there isn’t an edition she hasn’t seen.

For Rebeca, music is just a passion. Until appearing on the talent show, from Pro Tv, the little girl did not participate in many contests, but only two, but she obtained very good results.

The little girl wants to become an ophthalmologist and help people see better.

On Good Friday, the penultimate edition of the preselections of season 14 Romanians have talent was the absolute audience leader, in the time interval 20:27 – 23:44.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: mafia clipped wings baby angel Shame
