Iohannis: Delivery of Patriot system to Ukraine, established in CSAT. Romania will not remain uncovered in terms of anti-aircraft defense

Iohannis: Delivery of Patriot system to Ukraine, established in CSAT. Romania will not remain uncovered in terms of anti-aircraft defense
Iohannis: Delivery of Patriot system to Ukraine, established in CSAT. Romania will not remain uncovered in terms of anti-aircraft defense

Romania will find a solution to help Ukraine with a Patriot system. The announcement was made by Klaus Iohannis, after the meeting with American President Joe Biden, from the White House. The head of state mentioned that Romania will not remain uncovered in terms of anti-aircraft defense, and the conditions for the transfer of such a system will be discussed in the CSAT.

The President of Romania spoke for the first time about the concrete help that Romania can offer to Ukraine. Iohannis wanted to specify, however, that our country will not remain exposed in any way, if it surrenders a Patriot system to Kiev.

Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania: And President Biden brought this up, and I told him that I’m open to discussing these issues, meaning that I’ll have to discuss it at home, in the CSAT, to see how we can raise the issue, what we can offer, and, obviously, what can we get in return, because it is, in my opinion, unacceptable for Romania to remain without anti-aircraft defense. I think we will find a solution. It is a single Patriot system.
Journalist: We only have one working, you know.
The President of Romania: Believe me, I know many more details, but yes, it is a functional one, which will remain in Romania, the others, which are in advanced phases of operationalization, and it was about one of these.

Romania received four Patriot systems. Only the one received in 2020 has been operationalized. The military that equips the other three are still in training.

Leo Docherty, Secretary of State, British Ministry of Defence: We (ed. – Great Britain) tried to be an example and any extra technology, equipment or ammunition we had we gave to Ukraine. Your government has been extremely generous and I am glad to say so publicly. We appreciate how generous and dynamic the Government of Romania was in the process of supporting Ukraine.

Romania signed a $3.9 billion contract for 7 Patriot systems. The last three they have to receive will go to the Land Forces. Recently, the army also signed a contract of over 1 billion euros for 200 Patriot missiles. The Patriot system protects against aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles at long and medium ranges and altitudes.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Iohannis Delivery Patriot system Ukraine established CSAT Romania remain uncovered terms antiaircraft defense
