Hundreds of jobs available in Timisoara. The Job Exchange opens at the Regional Business Center

Hundreds of jobs available in Timisoara. The Job Exchange opens at the Regional Business Center
Hundreds of jobs available in Timisoara. The Job Exchange opens at the Regional Business Center

TIMISOARA. Are you looking for a job or just want to change your current one? You are expected at the job fair that will take place in Timisoara shortly.

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The Agency for the Employment of the Labor Force Timis organizes in May 14 a new edition of the Exchange, this time not at Casa Tineretului, but at the Regional Business Center in Timisoara, across the street from the Constantin Jude hall (Olimpia).

Companies from IT, sales, marketing, engineering, human resources and many other fields will present their offer of available jobs, and those interested will be able to submit their CVs or have job interviews in real time.

Also, the participants will be able to participate in the counseling and interview preparation session.

The exchange will be open between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: Hundreds jobs Timisoara Job Exchange opens Regional Business Center
