Almost 3,000 people from Constanta arrived at the County Hospital

Almost 3,000 people from Constanta arrived at the County Hospital
Almost 3,000 people from Constanta arrived at the County Hospital

During the mini-holiday of May 1st and Easter, 2,841 patients (1,988 adults and 853 children) arrived at the Constanţa County Emergency Clinical Hospital (SCJU), who benefited from emergency medical services. Following the triage, most emergencies, 2,334, were assigned to the green code (patients with stable vital functions, but who require investigations and possible hospitalization). Another 213 patients were assigned to the yellow code, and 53 patients were taken to the red code (resuscitation room). Since May 1, UPU SMURD Constanţa recorded 476 presentations, and on the first day of Easter, another 412 people needed emergency medical services. Among the 2,841 people taken over by the Emergency Reception Unit during these festive days, 478 required hospitalization for continuous specialized care and additional medical investigations. Thus, among the departments with the most hospitalizations, we mention: Pediatrics- 82 new cases, Cardiology- 48 patients, Gastroenterology- 30 patients, Neurology- 33 patients, Obstetrics- Gynecology- 67 patients.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: people Constanta arrived County Hospital
