PHOTO: Florin Piersic, transported urgently, from Cluj-Napoca, to a hospital in Bucharest, with the help of a medical aircraft


PHOTO: Florin Piersic, transported urgently, from Cluj-Napoca, to a hospital in Bucharest, with the help of a medical aircraft

Although the doctors in Cluj-Napoca announced, on Tuesday afternoon, that the actor is in a stable condition after the operation to extract the stimulation probes and remove the pacemaker, now the decision has been made to transfer him to the Matei Balș Institute in Bucharest.

Florin Piersic will be picked up from Cluj-Napoca Airport, by the SMURD plane, around 20:30 and will be brought to Băneasa Airport in Bucharest, from where he will be picked up by an ambulance and transported to the hospital, where he will be hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit.

At the age of 88, Florin Piersic underwent knee surgery at the Cluj-Napoca Military Hospital, later being transferred to the Cluj-Napoca Heart Institute to be monitored by doctors.

The actor arrived at the Intensive Care Unit, at the Heart Institute in Cluj, to be supervised by doctors, given his advanced age and the fact that he has a pacemaker fitted.

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Tags: PHOTO Florin Piersic transported urgently ClujNapoca hospital Bucharest medical aircraft
