Example of how in Vrancea, the tradition that says “For the holidays let’s be more generous, let’s be better” is carried forward



In Vrancea, it is customary to give alms, sweet treats, to old, sick people, to have a rich meal on the Holy Holidays of Easter. Gabriela Melu – Butu learned from her mother, when she didn’t even go to school. Now she is teaching her daughters to carry on this beautiful tradition.

When she was a little older, Gabriela accompanied her mother with “the part of me” Arriving at her house, with two now grown girls, she decided to get used to them as well, to carry on the tradition. This year they went to Fetig, a village in Vrancea, forgotten by the world, where a foreigner rarely goes. There are few survivors left, only the old, the rest of the crowd. Although the place seems abandoned, there are still a few who could not bear to leave the place where 80 families with their children once lived. Slowly, slowly, they thinned out until there were only a few families left, you could count them on the fingers of one hand. It’s hard for them to manage, they have to walk to the center of the commune – a good few kilometers. On the way back, it’s even harder to come up the hill with a full basket. The most tormented is the grandmother Toader Miloiu, whose legs no longer respond to commands, but she does not give up and works all day long, even if she is 70 years old.

We find him at the scythe, across the street from the house.

Look, I’m moving, I keep moving like this, to do the job… Now I put the grass in the bag and cross to the other side, with a bag of torture…

For 5 years, Nenea Miloiu has not been able to move without the help of crutches.

“Look, this is my life,” says Grandma Miloiu. I have a very, very troubled life, I pray to God, but no…, as if he doesn’t hear me, There is a saying, “until God, the saints eat you”. God does not come with a sack of corn. If you eat, if you don’t, it’s bad”he says grandmother Toader Miloiu.

Although he is in great pain, he cannot sit still, he always has something to do.

A garden, something that can be done on crutches. In the garden, I also planted beans, planted seeds, carrot, chives, cabbage. You have, you eat, you don’t have, you don’t eat, you can’t ask anyone. We still have a piece of alfalfa, I’ll give it to the pigs, like that. I’m also moving around the yard, here. At home, just me and my wife, yes, the poor thing is also sick!”

Mrs. Gabriela is happy to see him again after 2 years, and her girls are captivated by the old man’s charm.

“I see him cheerful, optimistic, despite the fact that he has major health problems. He is lucky to be in this place, here is a peace that you can’t find anywhere else”.

It’s my first time coming here. Mr. Toader is an incredible man, he is a model of survival, which is why we must help. He charges you in a good way, he is ready to help you, give you good advice“, he says Ela, Mrs. Gabriela’s older daughter.

I was very surprised”, says Sorana, the little girl,I had a beautiful experience, which I will never forget”.

Ancuța Miloiu and her son, who live in the area, also received gifts.

“You fool!“, he says Aunt Ancuța glad to see us.

Let it be received, let it be for the sleeping ones“, he says Ms. Gabriela.

– Is it a good day? I’m asking.

“It’s a good day for me, I’m waiting for Easter happy that I’m healthy, if I still hurt a little, it’s my fault. But, I didn’t expect you to come, even you, in any case“, says tanti Ancuta Miloiu happy.

In the Mera commune, we pass by aunt Ioana Lungu, who was not expecting guests. At 74 years old, she is as agile as a young woman, she had filled the laundry room with laundry.

“- Have drob, cake, flour, fresh bread …, let it be for today!”.say Ms. Gabriela.

I say thank you, kiss and goodbye”he says aunt Ioana

Tanti Ruxandra, she is expensive to talk to, but I understand her, she has become quieter and sadder since she lost her sight altogether. But he has a wish.

Happy celebrations”!

What more could I say? It was a good day, and the weather was with us. It was a wonderful experience lived with beautiful people, with good souls. I would do it again, anytime!

A wish from me too: “May you be happy and healthy with your loved ones“. ( Janine VADISLAV )

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Vrancea tradition holidays lets generous lets carried
