How to plant tomato seedlings correctly!

How to plant tomato seedlings correctly!
How to plant tomato seedlings correctly!

The way seedlings are planted determines their future tomato development. From adding compost and nettles to enrich the soil you plant in to supporting the plant and adding mulch there are a number of steps to getting the best tomatoes.

The tomato is among Romanians’ favorite vegetables, but only by growing your own plants and harvesting the ripe fruits can you fully appreciate its flavor.

Planting seedlings in the garden is a very important operation, as it will affect the proper development of the plant and the production of tomatoes.

Always wait until all risk of frost has passed before planting tomatoes in the garden. The lowest freezing temperature will kill your seedlings so wait for April-May to avoid unexpected frost nights, and in some mountainous areas it is necessary to postpone this planting until June.

Tomato is a plant that needs a lot of nutrients. The soil must be rich in humus and nutrients. Start by digging holes 20 cm on each side and 30 cm deep.

There must be a minimum of 60 cm between the holes. If you want to plant several parallel rows, leave a space of at least 80 cm.

Choose hardy plants whose stem is at least as thick as a pencil, and remove the plant after soaking the pot for 20 minutes to thoroughly moisten the root and make it easier to pull out.

Put a handful of soil mixed with compost in the bottom of the hole and place the base of the tomato there. The first leaves must be at ground level so break off 2-3 leaves from the bottom because the plant will make roots there. The longer the tomato is buried, the healthier it will be, as roots will form on the buried side of the stem to help provide nutrients.

If the hole is not deep enough for the seedling, feel free to arrange it so that you bury the longest portion of the stem possible. The aerial part will straighten up in a few days though. Fill by gently pressing the soil around the base, preparing a small furrow around the plant to receive the irrigation water.

Tomatoes should be watered abundantly after planting and mulch can then be used to reduce the frequency of watering and prevent the soil from drying out quickly between waterings. You can use straw, flax husks, cacao husks or even buckwheat bran.

The article is in Romanian


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