Florin Piersic, the first statements from the hospital bed. How does the beloved actor from Cluj feel: “This is the most important”

Florin Piersic, the first statements from the hospital bed. How does the beloved actor from Cluj feel: “This is the most important”
Florin Piersic, the first statements from the hospital bed. How does the beloved actor from Cluj feel: “This is the most important”

Florin Piersic, aged 88, made the first statements about his state of health, after on Monday, April 29, he underwent a knee operation at the Military Hospital in Cluj-Napoca.

The beloved actor from Cluj says that he feels well, and the hospital representatives clarified the information that appeared in the public space regarding the deterioration of the actor’s condition.

Florin Piersic, aged 88, underwent knee surgery at the Cluj-Napoca Military Hospital, later being transferred to the Cluj-Napoca Heart Institute to be monitored by doctors.

​​The great actor recently made the first statements about his state of health, stating that he is fine after the intervention he went through a few days ago.

“I’m fine, that’s the most important thing. Well, in the sense that… I mean I’m healthy and I wish you the same”, said Florin Piersic for Realitatea Plus.

Florin Piersic is one of the most loved and appreciated Romanian actors. Aged 88, he has an impressive career, dotted with memorable roles in theater and film. Although he enjoyed immense success and the well-deserved recognition of his talent, the famous actor remained modest in the face of fame. Even if he is often called “master” by his admirers, Florin Piersic rejects this address, preferring to consider himself just an ordinary man, passionate about acting.

“I played next to real masters. I am ashamed to be called “master”, when I know who I lived next to, with whom I did this profession, from whom I learned it. I am not a master, living next to real masters, I cannot sit next to them. The audience gave me more than I gave them. The greatest joy is to be with my audience, for them to enjoy my presence. That’s why I became an actor, to appear in front of the public. It’s a joy for me that the world still recognizes me, I can play again, appear again”, the actor stated in the past.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Florin Piersic statements hospital bed beloved actor Cluj feel important
