The Cluj-Napoca Military Hospital assures that Florin Piersic did not contract any nosocomial infection during hospitalization

The Cluj-Napoca Military Hospital assures that Florin Piersic did not contract any nosocomial infection during hospitalization
The Cluj-Napoca Military Hospital assures that Florin Piersic did not contract any nosocomial infection during hospitalization

The representatives of the Military Hospital in Cluj-Napoca stated, on Thursday, that the actor Florin Piersic did not contract any nosocomial infection while he was hospitalized in this medical unit, where he underwent knee surgery, according to

“The actor Florin Piersic did not contract any nosocomial infection during his hospitalization in our hospital. He was treated for the complex pathology for which he went to the hospital”, they stated.

According to the cited source, the actor and his family requested that no medical information be provided and they want privacy preserved.

Florin Piersic, aged 88, underwent knee surgery at the Cluj-Napoca Military Hospital, later being transferred to the Cluj-Napoca Heart Institute to be monitored by doctors.

The actor arrived at the Intensive Care Unit, at the Heart Institute in Cluj, to be supervised by doctors, given his advanced age and the fact that he has a pacemaker fitted, Antena 3 reported.

“His condition is stable. At the moment, he is in the Cardiology Department, under medical treatment”, announced the representatives of the Heart Institute.

The knee surgery, performed on Monday at the Cluj-Napoca Military Hospital, went well, but the patient needs recovery.

The actor underwent surgery after he fell ill at the end of a show, and doctors found he had an infection in his knee, which has apparently spread.

Publisher: CLB

The article is in Romanian


Tags: ClujNapoca Military Hospital assures Florin Piersic contract nosocomial infection hospitalization
