Legionellosis, the serious disease caused by air conditioning

Legionellosis, the serious disease caused by air conditioning
Legionellosis, the serious disease caused by air conditioning

Doctors point out that the permanent and incorrect use of air conditioning can do us more harm than good! Air conditioning can trigger some conditions or aggravate existing ones: exacerbations of chronic sinusitis, neuralgia, muscle contractions, lumbar and neck pain. In severe cases, even pneumonia can occur.

The biggest problem, however, is the air filters of the air conditioners, which must be cleaned periodically. Otherwise, the germs that are deposited spread in the rooms and favor the rapid contracting of viruses that produce viral conjunctivitis, but also the flu.

In addition, filters not cleaned regularly are also to blame for triggering episodes of allergic rhinitis and asthma attacks.

By far, the most serious problem related to the improper use of filters is legionellosis, a disease favored by the spread of Legionella pneumophila bacteria when these devices are used without prior airing of the room. The disease is manifested by headache, muscle and abdominal pain, diarrhea, mild fever and dry cough. Sometimes there are respiratory problems and coughing with sputum, and in severe cases it can lead to pneumonia. The risk of death from legionellosis is 20-35% if the patient is not treated properly and 40-50% if the patient suffers from another chronic disease.

“Those with sinus, otic, neuritis, conjunctivitis conditions must know that air conditioning can worsen symptoms.

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Studies were done on people who worked for a long time in air-conditioned spaces and it was found that they are more prone to respiratory infections, flu.

The body is under stress when it has to go from a high temperature to a low one and vice versa.

I think you’ve all felt the “impact” between the heat outside and the coolness of the air-conditioned premises and that of going out into the heat again.

Even the air conditioning in cars can cause health problems, especially in the sphere of the respiratory system, sinuses, conjunctivae, in people with dental problems.

We often hear the expression “my head hurts”, “my nose runs”, “sneezed”, “my teeth hurt” from prolonged exposure to air conditioning.

Microorganisms that can cause serious health problems have been detected inside the cooling devices. Legionella Pneumophila – responsible for the appearance of pneumonia with extrapulmonary manifestations – was reported for the first time in 1976 at the American Legion convention, hence the name Legionnaires’ disease, and was detected in the air conditioner of the hotel where the convention took place”, he explained Dr. Monica Jugravu, for Acasa.ro.

Specialists say that the long-term use of air conditioning systems leads to a decrease in immunity, but also to the appearance of extra pounds, because artificial ventilation systems prevent the energy consumption of the body, which does not have to exert effort for cooling or heating.

What can we do?

To avoid problems, it is recommended that the artificially obtained coolness does not fall below 22 degrees Celsius, and the temperature difference between the outside and the indoor environment does not exceed 5 degrees Celsius. Also, the flow of cold air should not be directed towards the people in the rooms, but rather on the corridors. In children’s rooms, the installation of these systems is contraindicated.

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Tags: Legionellosis disease caused air conditioning
