What vaccines are recommended for children and why

What vaccines are recommended for children and why
What vaccines are recommended for children and why

The date of publishing:

05/07/2024 11:57

Dr. Valentina Boantă, family medicine specialist

We owe it to vaccines that childhood infectious diseases affect the little ones less and less, who thus manage to develop harmoniously. We find out which vaccines are included in the national immunization program, which diseases we can prevent, but also what the adverse effects of vaccines can be, from Dr. Valentina Boantăfamily medicine specialist.


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Vaccines have proven to be the most effective and also the safest public health interventions for combating communicable diseases. Moreover, the efficiency of these vaccines it is reflected in the reduction of infant mortality, from the very high figures at the time when immunization could only be done through illness, to the present times when it tends to zero. However, childhood infectious diseases may return, with devastating effects, if we do not continue to protect our children through vaccination.

The national immunization program currently includes vaccines for the most serious childhood infectious diseases, such as polio, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, pneumococcal pneumonia and more. In addition to these, there are other diseases for which vaccination of children is optional but recommended, such as Flurotavirus infection, chicken pox and others.

Article supported by SANADOR, more details at www.sanador.ro

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: vaccines recommended children
