More beneficial exercise than walking


06/05/2024 15:51
– UPDATED 06/05/2024 15:51

More beneficial exercise than walking. We’ve always heard that walking 10,000 steps a day is the key to good health, but researchers have discovered an equally easy exercise that it helps you lose weight much faster. Walking improves health and reduces the risk of suffering from various chronic diseases, such as dementia, heart disease or some types of cancer. However, when it comes to weight control, the truth is that 10,000 steps a day they may be too few. More is needed of another exercise in addition for the body to work and burn calories. This exercise that we will talk about in the rest of the article requires only about 5 minutes a day. We find out what it is about and what benefits it brings to the body, in the continuation of the article. (Continue reading after the photo)

More beneficial exercise than walking

Walking it’s one of the best ways to stay in shape. Whenever possible, we should avoid the car or other means of transport in favor of walking. Staying active is the only way to ensure your long-term health. But walking is not enough. Reaching 10,000 steps a day may keep your body healthier, but it may not be enough to lose weight. That’s why we have to look for other ways to exercise. Two main issues come into play here that hold many people back from staying fit. For starters, the money. Paying for a gym or having the necessary equipment to perform certain exercises at home is not something that everyone can afford. On the other hand, the time. It’s not every day we can steal hours out of the day to get in shape. In this way we always end up putting them off until tomorrow. And of course, tomorrow will never beaccording to sabervivirtv.

Fortunately, there is a very simple exercise to do that requires no special equipment and in just 5 minutes it will help you lose weight. Even more than taking those famous 10,000 steps. Talk about going up and down stairs. Yes, you read that right. Going up and down the stairs can be the best long-term weight loss strategy without having to spend hours exercising or buying complicated equipment. Only 5 minutes of this activityadded to those famous 10,000 steps that we all have in mind, can help you lose weight in no time. But it doesn’t just help burn calories. Going down and up the stairs we can brings many other benefits, like the ones you will find below:
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  1. IMPROVES CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH. Going up and down stairs is a good way to train your heart. When you perform this exercise, your heart rate and breathing speed up, thus strengthening your heart and lungs.
  1. STRENGTHENS MUSCLES. When we climb the stairs, various muscle groups come into play, among which the glutes and quadriceps stand out.
  1. TO BURN CALORIES. Going up and down the stairs at a fast pace is a very effective way to burn calories.
  1. IMPROVES BONE STRENGTH AND JOINT HEALTH. In short, going up and down stairs regularly can prevent osteoporosis and maintain bone health throughout life.
  1. INCREASE BALANCE AND COORDINATION. If you practice this exercise regularly, you can improve these skills that are essential in everyday life to prevent falls and injuries, especially as you get older.
    Read also: Study: These are the benefits of fasting on the human body

The article is in Romanian

Tags: beneficial exercise walking
