ADHD can be seen in the hair, a STUDY shows

ADHD can be seen in the hair, a STUDY shows
ADHD can be seen in the hair, a STUDY shows

For some adults, an ADHD diagnosis can bring a sense of relief. Adults who have had disorders since childhood but were not diagnosed may have developed negative feelings about themselves over the years.

Thus, receiving a diagnosis allows them to understand the reasons for their problems, and treatment will allow them to deal with their problems more effectively.

ADHD, the symptom you might notice in your hair

In a recent report, doctors in India recall the case of a 25-year-old young woman with ADHD who pulled out her hair, writes The Sun.

She would pull out strands of her hair up to ten times a day because she felt restless, while also pacing around the room. Upon examination, the doctors found that he had areas of baldness on his head, especially in the crown area.

Scientists believe that chronic hair pulling may stem from low dopamine levels, a brain chemical that regulates mood and motivation.

Read also: 9 habits that can aggravate ADHD in adults

Other ADHD symptoms

ADHD can be classified into two types of behavioral problems: inattention and hyperactivity.

In the case of adults, hyperactivity is less frequent and the symptoms are more subtle, which makes them harder to identify. Here are some other symptoms:

  • Carelessness
  • Short attention span, easily distracted
  • Making inadvertent mistakes
  • The occurrence of forgetfulness or loss of things
  • Constant change of activity or task
  • Difficulty organizing tasks
  • Hyperactivity and impulsivity
  • Inability to sit still, especially in calm or quiet environments
  • Inability to focus on tasks
  • Excessive physical movement
  • Excessive talking
  • Acting without discernment
  • Interrupting conversations

The article is in Romanian

Tags: ADHD hair STUDY shows
