What are the 5 criteria a gaming keyboard must meet?

What are the 5 criteria a gaming keyboard must meet?
What are the 5 criteria a gaming keyboard must meet?

If you are among the people who are passionate about gaming and want to have the best performing accessories or peripherals for your computer, then find out that this article is dedicated to you. In the following lines, we want to help you choose the perfect gaming keyboard for your needs. You will find out what are the 5 criteria that you must take into account before the purchase so that, in the end, you can make the best decision. Without further ado, let’s get started!

The world of gaming, of video games, is an extraordinary one. From laid-back indie games for girls, to complex RPGs and competitive games for boys, this world is full of stories worth exploring. Regardless of your favorite gaming style, to be able to enjoy a full, seamless experience, you need the right peripherals. We’re specifically targeting PC gamers here. Once you’ve assembled your perfect PC and assembled the right parts for top performance, you’ll need to choose your accessories carefully. These include the gaming keyboard, mouse, headset and even the laptop cooler. As we are focusing on the keyboard in this article, it is essential that you know some crucial criteria that you need to consider before purchasing. If you take into account all the information provided, you will definitely be able to buy the best performing keyboard. So, let’s find out what are the criteria in question.

  • Criteria for choosing the perfect keyboard

5 of the most important criteria for choosing a gaming keyboard are the following: connectivity, keyboard type, material quality, lighting and size. In the following, we will tell you a little bit about each one, to help you in the process of choosing.

Connectivity is the most important criterion. Here you have two options: the wireless keyboard or the wired keyboard. If you want to move freely and position the gaming accessory wherever you want, the wireless version is a suitable choice. However, this has a major disadvantage: there is a risk of disconnection. If you want to enjoy seamless gameplay and be able to control your character constantly, then the wired option is a better option.

The next criterion is the type of keyboard. In this case too, you have two options: you can choose either a mechanical keyboard or one with a membrane. Die-hard gamers probably already know the differences between them, but if you don’t, don’t worry! We will tell you. The mechanical keyboard is the most often bought because of the performance it offers. Although it can be a little noisy, it offers increased precision when pressing the keys and lets you enjoy the game as much as you want. On the other hand, the membrane keyboard, although it is quieter, gives you a slightly lower press accuracy, but the overall experience of use is more delicate. Depending on your preferences, choose your favorite model.

We move on to criterion number 3 and meet the quality of the material. In some situations, especially during competitive gaming, you will need to press harder or more sharply on the keyboard. If you have a high-performance peripheral made of durable and high-quality plastic, you will not encounter problems such as skipping a letter or number. Yes yes, you read that right. Such situations can happen, and even more often than you expect. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully check the material of the keyboard before you buy it.

The penultimate criterion brings us face to face with lighting. Here it’s simple: you only have three options. If you prefer the gaming keyboard with lights, choose models with RGB or single color LEDs. And if you want to have a more minimalist set-up, without too many distractions, choose the models without lighting.

Here we come to the fifth criterion, namely, size. Although important, we chose to leave size for last. The only thing to keep in mind about this is that you will need to measure the space where you want to install the keyboard in order to have full room. No one wants a cluttered office, so choosing the right size should also be taken into account.

And here’s how, after reading our tips, you’ve reached the end. We hope that the information provided has been useful to you and that you now feel ready to purchase the perfect gaming keyboard. For even more tips, feel free to browse the web. We wish you happy shopping!


The article is in Romanian

Tags: criteria gaming keyboard meet
