Anamaria Prodan, luxury charity in memory of the mother


Anamaria Prodan did not forget Ionela Prodan, the one to whom she owes almost everything. The football impresario gave alms for her mother and made sure to put all the singer’s favorite people in packages. The artist died six months ago after a fierce battle with a terrible disease.

Anamaria Prodan has not forgotten her mother

Anamaria Prodan respected the Christian order and distributed packages in memory of those who left for the saints. For Ionela Prodan, she donated the food that the folk singer used to eat. Among the products slipped into the package were wine bottles tied with gold leaf.

“They made me cakes and pastries. Very good! To share Easter for my mother. I gave her wine with gold leaf because she liked it that way. Let everything be on the sly, as she liked’, declared Anamaria Prodan, for Click!

Anamaria Prodan also went to her mother’s grave at the beginning of this year. In January, Reghecampf’s ex-wife spread a huge table in memory of the beloved artist. Family and close friends were then with Anamaria.

Luxury almshouse

“Somehow I understood that he went and went where it is beautiful and good. I only keep beautiful memories, I didn’t have any bad ones anyway. I know he is happy, I know he is always there with me, watching over me. Now when I get home I’m going to invite my friends, let’s eat and remember her,” said Anamaria Prodan from the cemetery.

“I think it’s always a part of me. I am a broken piece of her and I have to continue what she started. We have the same path in life. We sign everything with her. I learned from my mother and father that life is made of moments and moments. I am smiling and very well. I’m happy. When will we be together again ‘, the star also said.

Anamaria Prodan shared wine with gold leaf

The artist Ionela Prodan died after fighting for a long time with an extremely cruel disease. Arista had serious problems with her pancreas, and she spent the last period in hospitals.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Anamaria Prodan luxury charity memory mother
