Sister, First Pictures With New Boyfriend. What kind of relationship did he have with his daughter’s father: “It’s not the right situation

Sister, First Pictures With New Boyfriend. What kind of relationship did he have with his daughter’s father: “It’s not the right situation
Sister, First Pictures With New Boyfriend. What kind of relationship did he have with his daughter’s father: “It’s not the right situation

Invited to the Fresh by Unica interviews, Sore made unexpected revelations about her personal life. The artist confirmed that she has a new boyfriend and said how difficult it was for her to open her soul to another person. In June 2022, Sore announced that she was breaking up with Mircea Julean after an 8-year love story.

Even though they are no longer a couple, the two have maintained a civilized relationship for the sake of their daughter, Erin. “Very good (collaborate in raising Erin – ed.). We are both super involved parents. She is a lucky child because she has support, love, and a big family. The grandparents are also involved, they are in Bucharest, everyone is in position. We are very close to each other.

“It’s not the happiest situation. Any parents, in theory, want to provide the traditional family to their children”

It’s not the happiest situation. Any parents, in theory, want to provide the traditional family to their children. In the given situation, I think we are a very good and happy model, a happy case. From what I observe, in her behavior and in the way she expresses her emotions, Erin is a happy child”, Sore Mihalache told Fresh by Unica.

Recently, Sore went on vacation with her daughter and her new boyfriend. On social networks, the artist posted a short video in which she appears with her current partner. The two hold hands and kiss at sunset. “I wanted to write a longer description, but I think the simplest is to say that I am happy. Here and now”, Sore recently transmitted.


The singer became a mother at the age of 26 and wanted a child from her heart. Sore is happy that Erin is an understanding and empathetic little girl. Asked if she wants more children, the star replied: “Yes, you know I do. I always wanted and saw myself as a mother of two little girls”.

“I wouldn’t have announced that I’m a couple if it wasn’t a good partnership in every way”

As for the new boyfriend, Sore did not want to give too many details. The artist did not say who the man in her life is, nor how their love story began. At one point, Sore had a brief romance with Răzvan Miheț, Oana Matache’s ex-husband.

The star confessed in the interview that his daughter, Erin, has already met her boyfriend and they get along very well. The little girl understood the situation and accepted the new man in her mother’s life.

“I wouldn’t have announced that I’m a couple if it wasn’t a good partnership in every way. Very well (Erin and her boyfriend get along – ed.). I feel grateful because there’s no way you can force chemistry this way. All mothers in my situation definitely think about this before starting a relationship. Really, no matter how much you like a man, if your child doesn’t agree with you, you have nothing to do,” Sore told the above-mentioned source.

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Tags: Sister Pictures Boyfriend kind relationship daughters father situation
