While Kate battles cancer, her sister thrives thanks to her new pilates and party business


One sister is fighting the battle of her life since being diagnosed with cancer, and another is finding new ways to thrive by opening a new business.

Life does not stand still for anyone, not even for the future British queen, who is in the most difficult period of her life since she was diagnosed with cancer. And certainly not for her sister, Pippa Middleton, who has found new ways to round out her income right in the middle of her family’s medical drama. But what better time to get some new money than now, when her parents’ business is on the rocks and her sister is battling a terrible disease?!

While Kate Middleton is still absent from the public space, to prioritize her health and fight, in fact, for her life, Pippa goes ahead and opens a new business. The princess’s sister has found a new way to use the Bucklebury Farm Park cottage she bought at the start of the pandemic. She will open it for “parties, events and pilates” after her parents’ business collapsed.

The Princess of Wales’ younger sister and her husband James Matthews will use their home in Berkshire to host parties, Pilates sessions and events of all kinds. Pippa took the step after Party Pieces, Carole Middleton’s business, went bankrupt last year.

Kate Middleton, Pippa Middleton photo Profimedia jpg

Pippa and James – who are parents to three children – bought 30 acres of land in Berkshire in 2020 for £1.5million. “Carole Middleton was extremely saddened by the fate of Party Pieces, which went bankrupt last year,” Richard Eden revealed to the Mail. “Fortunately, her family hasn’t completely given up on parties,” he added.

The news was confirmed on Bucklebury Farm’s Instagram account. “We are extremely excited to let you know that you can now rent the Cabin for birthday parties, corporate events, yoga or Pilates sessions and much more,” the website reads. On the 30 hectares of land there is a deer park, a cafe, a children’s playground and some glamorous tents.


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As well as Kate’s younger sister, the Middleton parents live there and the sisters’ brother James Middleton also bought a property in the area in 2021 for £1.45m .

Pippa, who used to live in London, moved to Berkshire with her husband and their children in 2022. Close to her family, Pippa lives in a £15 million mansion now. So the relative of the future British queen allowed herself to make a “small” investment to prepare the cottage for the opening and set up this business that her whole family is good at, considering that both she and Kate worked , after finishing their studies, at the Party Pieces business, which provided the decor and all kinds of objects for the ideal party.

Pippa Middleton wedding, GettyImages

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Pippa Middleton wedding, GettyImages

photo – Profimedia, GettyImages

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Kate battles cancer sister thrives pilates party business
